Metadata Call 2019-03-26
Metadata Call 2019-03-26
Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Moderator: Juliet Hardesty and ruth.k.tillman
Notetaker: Adrienne Pruitt (and others)
Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mjXuE5mPdpMWbNv52kYlxziC3GkR_GZMZDJBD3EfhoY/edit?usp=sharing
- Attendees
- Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
- Ruth Tillman (Penn State)
- Jen Young (Northwestern University)
- Ryan Wick (Oregon State University / Oregon Digital)
- Cara Key (Oregon State University)
- Adrienne Pruitt (Tufts University)
- Erik Radio (CU Boulder)
- Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Nora Egloff (Lafayette)
- Subgroup Reports
- URI Selection WG
- Ryan: No update on the WG directly, some movement locally about hosting things on a opaquenamespace.org;. He is hoping to have a more formal proposal submitted before Virtual Connect. Needs more buy in. Julie will help with anything that might need to be put together before the Partners Meeting. Could still have a Samvera domain, just be hosted by opaquenamespace.
- Geo Predicates WG: no one on the call to report
- Machine-readable Metadata Modeling Specification (M3) WG
- Meeting yesterday, Julie: work to define properties that should be used when specifying metadata for profiles either in Hyrax or other web applications; tried to narrow down an extensive list that included optional properties. Tried to create a minimum fields list to define a metadata profile. Next step is for Arwen to go into Houndstooth repo and create a branch to try those minimum fields out: https://github.com/samvera-labs/houndstooth/blob/M3-branch/m3.yml
- URI Selection WG
- Issues/Questions
- Roadmap Council update jen young
- Released their white paper: State of Samvera Technology in 2019. Jennifer is happy to answer any questions about it. Describes technology and community.
- Topics
- Samvera Virtual Connect 2019 Program - April 23-24
- 11 am EST to 1(first day) or 2:30 pm (second day)
- Several metadata presentations. Day 1 will be most of the IG and WG updates. Will be an update about the MODS-to-RDF working group, done now, yay! M3 and Hyrax talk by Arwen on the first day. Also a few 7 minute talks about metadata on Day 1. If you have to make a choice, Day 1 will be more metadata-focused.
- Nurax demo - late May?
- Updated to the latest stable version, 2.4.1. Julie has full access now. She could schedule a demo for late May and we could all walk through it together if there’s interest. Will try for late May, keep it relatively short, and also record it.
- Samvera Virtual Connect 2019 Program - April 23-24
- Next SMIG Meeting would be April 23 (after Samvera Virtual Connect) - cancel and meet next on May 28?
- Consensus was yes, cancel for April.
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