Metadata Call 2015-10-21
Metadata Call 2015-10-21
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
- Subgroup Reports
Descriptive Metadata Working Group
- Descriptive Metadata Call 2015-10-14
- The group discussed the base set of elements and will continue that next meeting
- Deliverables for Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
- User stories - complete
- Descriptive metadata application profiles - the base element set currently under discussion is getting this under way
- Best practices on using multiple schemas/vocabularies - still needs to be done
- Best practices on handling blank nodes and nested attributes - still needs to be done
MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
- MODS and RDF Call 2015-10-19
- MODS Name collaboration document - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ta3pJB-ZGD8J88SrcC7Hr-Ox0BHNFKh5jwc0EXDKLUY/edit?pli=1#gid=0
- Steven is converting this to conversion code for testing
- reviewed individual institution typeOfResource elements
- see MODS and RDF Call 2015-11-02 for results
- Subgroup deliverables
- unofficial standard for mapping MODS to RDF - underway
- shared code translations - underway
Samvera Applied Linked Data Interest Group
- Applied Linked Data Call 2015-10-15
- Discussed Linked Data Fragments
- Discussed conversion of full text fields to stored fields in SOLR
- Ways to resolve issue where new records need to be made every time a URI changes
- Deliverables for WG:
- way to standardize an interface for standardizing URIs and caching them - work is ongoing
- develop a way to keep SOLR index up to date with proper URI for a record being pulled from Fedora - work is ongoing
- recommendations on which Linked Data vocabulary to use - still needs to be done, may be in scope of group's work
Segment of a File Structural Metadata Working Group
- SoaF call 2015-10-19
- met as a group for the 1st time and reviewed goals
- Deliverables for WG (expected by end of year):
- recommendation on how to refer to a segment of a file
- Recommendation for interoperability with IIIF metadata.
- recommendation on how to refer to a segment of a file
Descriptive Metadata Working Group
- Islandora Metadata Interest Group potential collaboration update
- Julie will talk to cmharlow at DLF about collaboration opportunities
- cmharlow and jennifer.eustis will be joining us at the next Hydra Metadata IG meeting
- some Islander Metadata subgroups are focused on keeping up with Hydra subgroups, so there are many ways we could combine efforts
- Issues / Questions
- None
- Review
Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
- On
Hydra Tech Call 2015-10-14 there was a request for consultation from the Hydra Metadata IG about best practices for hosting Hydra-specific RDF vocabularies
- Issue with properties used in Sufia that have ScholarSphere namespace URIs and they're used by a broader group than Penn State
- Proposal came up to use Opaque Namespace hosted by Oregon State to host the namespace
- Question about whether checksum element refers to main file or another file in the structure
- Julie will talk to facilitator of
Technical Metadata Working Group about possibility of re-activating the group to help with this
- Timeline for completion ~1-2 weeks
- We need to develop a formal workflow for issues that arise from channels outside of the Metadata IG
- On
Hydra Tech Call 2015-10-14 there was a request for consultation from the Hydra Metadata IG about best practices for hosting Hydra-specific RDF vocabularies
- Additional Items
- Corey reported on release of Draft of SHACL
- Action Items
- Request feedback on proposal on Issue with properties used in Sufia that have ScholarSphere namespace
- Develop a proposal for a workflow for dealing with requests for review of metadata-specific issues that need a timely answer.
- Determining whether request should go through Metadata IG or a subgroup
- Announce SHACL links (above)
- Julie will talk with Islandora Metadata WG
, multiple selections available,