Metadata Call 2016-02-24
Metadata Call 2016-02-24
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Moderator: Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
Notetaker: Carolyn Hansen (U. of Cincinnati)
- James Griffin (Lafayette College)
- carolyn.hansen (U of Cincinnati)
- sanderson (Boston Public Library)
- Former user (Deleted) (DPLA)
- Juliet Hardesty (Indiana U)
- Arwen Hutt (UCSD)
- Ryan Wick (Oregon State)
- Subgroup reports
- Descriptive Working Group
-Carolyn reporting
-Group met last week after taking a break for several weeks (were waiting for results of a Hackathon at NYU)
-Corey Harper reported that Hackathon was not as helpful as hoped for creating a metadata application profile tutorial; however, there is already a Tame your RDF Metadata with ActiveFedora chapter as part of the Dive into Hydra tutorial that is close to what the WG was interested in creating. One option would be for the group to update that tutorial.
-Group members have low bandwith, so Carolyn sent out an email asking members: 1) should the WG update the Tame your RDF Metadata with Active Fedora chapter; 2) should the WG develop use cases from the survey results gathered late summer 2015?; 3) should the group go on hiatus?. Carolyn is waiting to hear back from group members.
-Julie suggested that before going on hiatus, the WG could create a documentation that points people to resources that they could look at to answer questions for developing descriptive metadata in Hydra. Julie also thought the wiki should be reorganized or consolidated to make MODS to RDF Subgroup more prominent. - MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
-Steven reporting
-WG is reviewing collaborative documents on mapping (including origin, physical description, abstract). Group has decided to use BIBFRAME extent over DC terms extent for the time being. WG also working on mapping notes.
-next meeting will be in a month (skipping one meeting due to Code4Lib) - Applied Linked Data Working Group
-Steven reporting
-Working on using creating a metadata enrichment interface (blazegraph for caching, linked data fragments for the interface). This will be code you can add into your Hydra Head, put the term in and you'll get broader/narrower terms that give you context for the concept you're trying to express and you can add the terms to your record). Steven will be presenting a prototype at Code4Lib - Segment of a File Working Group
-Julie reporting
-draft recommendation has been sent to Hydra community for feedback; haven't received much feedback yet. WG has clarified the PDF sections and included more introductory information. Will send it to the community one more time, and if no changes are requested, the document will go forward as a recommendation
- Descriptive Working Group
- Issues/Questions
- Using projecthydra.org to host needed RDF vocabularies
- Outstanding request to structure and draft a set of requirements to the Hydra Steering Group
-Julie: Who is it we would talk to to address this?
-James: I was directed to contact Richard Green, he was curious and wanted to learn more about the request. Tom Cramer requested a set of requirements be captured from the community but there is no commitment to hosting on projecthydra.org at this time. Tom would like a draft document created that outlines a set of requirements. James is not sure how formal this should be.
-Julie will email Tom and show him the Metadata IG's current list of requests/priorities and see if he thinks we need additional documentation or should develop something new. Tom is interested in defining requirements, but we're not sure what that means.
- Outstanding request to structure and draft a set of requirements to the Hydra Steering Group
- Using projecthydra.org to host needed RDF vocabularies
- Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
-Julie will organize items above the out of scope line on the page - Additional Items
-The Time Based Metadata IG is starting to work on technical metadata and might be extending the Technical Metadata WG's recommendations. Julie will try to attend those meetings as she can. - Action Items
-Julie will contact Tom Cramer regarding the request of using projecthydra.org to host needed RDF vocabs
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