Metadata Call 2015-07-15

Metadata Call 2015-07-15

Time: 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: kestlund (Univ. of Oregon)

Notetaker:  carolyn.hansen (Univ. of Cincinnati)



  1. Subgroup Reports
    1. Applied Linked Data Subgroup
    2. Rights Metadata Subgroup
    3. Descriptive Subgroup
  2. Issues / Questions
  3. Interest Group and Working Group model
  4. Keeping Track of Metadata WG Requests and Priorities
  5. WebACLs and use cases:  Design - WebAccessControl Authorization Delegate
  6. HydraConnect Presentations
  7. Additional Items
  8. Action Items

Applied Linked Data Subgroup

  • Steven: linked data fragments in a few serializations, working to implement more functionality; active triples in GitHub, James added a license
  • Steven: stand up on Friday, focusing on getting linked data fragments to a usable level, index functionality, update Solr index labels
  • Steven: not planning another official sprint, doing standups, carving out time to make code contributions
  • Corey: likes idea of other sprint, but not at this time
  • Steven: Goals of what to present at HydraConnect: will discuss on next call

Rights Metadata Subgroup

  • Karen: reviewing and making comments on recommended descriptive elements, sending out to main list for feedback
  • Karen: sent email to Islandora and Hydra Tech List regarding access rights


Descriptive Subgroup

  • Carolyn: Group was going to deploy survey this week, but heard from User Interface Group that they would like to have a call with the subgroup. Working to get this set up and will deploy the survey after. Corey volunteered to work on agenda for meeting with User Interface Group
  • Steven: MODS subgroup meeting time is 9pst/12est on every other Monday, starting July 27th, MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup

Interest Group and Working Group model

  • Karen: chartered out of Hydra Tech, interest group charters different working groups, should metadata be an interest group instead, b/c of clear deliverables we made it a working group, does it make sense to have a standing interest group? (The model we have now will work fine for initial deliverables for HydraConnect)
  • Corey: what are the practical differences? Is this mostly a semantic difference?
  • Karen: Getting encouragement from steering committee to change to interest, since working groups can be temporary
  • Julie: If metadata WG needs to last and changing to interest group helps that, it's fine



Keeping Track of Metadata WG Requests and Priorities

  • Karen: need an open and better way to track metadata projects, would like to create metadata repository in Project Hydra Labs
  • Julie: are other interest groups management projects through this?
  • Karen: no, don't think so.
  • Corey: Moving to Hydra Labs, it makes it harder to contribute because of the licensing issues. Would feel awkward posting to Project Hydra since NYU isn't a Hydra partner
  • Karen: b/c content is not mostly related to code, Github may not be best place. Would Islandora folks care about posting to Project Hydra?
  • Nick: don't think so
  • Julie: it gets hard to find stuff if we spread out issues on different systems
  • Karen: Should we try in GitHub, or add a page in Confluence?
  • Julie: maybe try it in Confluence, and if it can't be managed well, we have more of a reason to switch to Github
  • Corey: another possibility would be to create Google Group, onep lace, searchable with subject lines
  • Karen: there is some resistance to any new Google Groups. We'll start with a new Confluence page
  • Julie: if multiple people can help, I'm willing to
  • Karen: that would be great



WebACLs and use cases: Design - WebAccessControl Authorization Delegate

  • one of the rights metadata was to align hydra access controls with WebAccessControl
  • contacted Andrew Woods, just getting under way, if people on metadata group could comment on the link and add use cases (within the next week)
  • working on getting someone in Islandora on the next sprint


HydraConnect Presentations

  • Karen: could we have each subgroup do a 20 minute presentation and additional breakout sessions?
  • Corey: that's a lot of content, not sure we have enough to fill that time
  • Steven: be fine if we shared a 20 minute block w/ the other groups, lightening talk styles
  • Julie: what if we have an Hydra Metadata WG session and then divide it up however makes sense? maybe 30-45 minutes total?
  • Karen: I think this will be the approach



Additional Items

  • Corey: is there a way of communicating about sessions/slots/presentations for HydraConnect?
  • Karen: HB2015 program, using Waffle to organize -- it's public but draft - not to be considered final, just another way to view confluence page, https://waffle.io/pbinkley/HC2015-program, official list of workshops will be going up soon


Action Items

  • Karen: either Esme or I will send out rights metadata recommendations for comment
  • Group members should comment on use cases for WebAccessContol,  Design - WebAccessControl Authorization Delegate
  • Karen will start Confluence page about issues, requests, etc.

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