Hydra Tech Call 2015-10-14
Hydra Tech Call 2015-10-14
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025
Moderator: Adam Wead (Penn State)
Notetaker: Andrew Myers (WGBH)
- Adam Wead (Penn State)
- Mike Giarlo (Stanford)
- Justin Coyne (Data Curation Experts)
- Trey Terrel (Princeton)
- Ryan Wick (Oregon St)
- James Griffin (Lafayette College)
- Steven Ng (Temple)
- Corey Harper (NYU)
- Andrew Myers (WGBH)
- Esme Cowles (Princeton)
- Jon Stroop (Princeton)
- Glen Horton (U of Cincinnati)
- Call for agenda items
- Mike Giarlo - discuss next release of Sufia (see end of agenda)
- Can we cut a new release of the PCDM stack? (Justin)
- activefedora-aggregation, hydra-pcdm, hydra-works, curation_concerns
- Justin: Currently developing with master branches of all of these; a release would help with stability.
- Trey: Plan on introducing some breaking changes in coming weeks.
- Conclusion:
- Action Item: yes, we can go ahead and cut one, but expect changes within the coming weeks that would require cutting a new one.
- all gems still in 0.x.x – so we under no SemVer obligations to maintain backward compatibility between minor releases
- Features we've implemented in goldenseal that could move to curation_concerns if they are wanted: (Justin)
- Administrative Sets (not using contains)?
- PCDM AdministrativeSet type is not being asserted, because there are still questions about it's implementation.
- Desired features of admin sets in curation_concerns include:
- can turn them on and off
- uses PCDM
- can move between admin sets without altering URI
- Currently (2) and (3) conflict, as spelled out issue #36 here: https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm/issues/36
- Hesitation to bring this into curation_concerns until issue #36 is resolved
- Esme:
- may be able to solve this by adding a predicate that doesn't use ldp:contains
- we need to just agree on what the predicate should be
- resolution can happen within context of issue #36 – no need for extra meeting
- may be able to solve this by adding a predicate that doesn't use ldp:contains
- Conclusion: look at bringing this feature in, pending issue #36.
- IIIF support (using RIIIF)?
- Justin: Opinions due to IIF implementation probably do not belong in curation_concerns
- Jon: Agree.
- On a side note... a Rack-based IIIF endpoint with intention of being highly configurable, possibly for use with Hydra-in-a-Box, has been started by Tom Johnson (DPLA) and Jon Stroop (<= I think is who mentioned that).
- Conclusion: do not move to curation_concerns at this time because use cases too varied; carries too many opinions
- IP based restriction (on campus access)
- Princeton definitely needs it, and another +1 (maybe from Mike G?).
- hydra-role-management may be an appropriate home for such logic
- Conclusion: yes - let's bring this in.
- Administrative Sets (not using contains)?
- Fcrepo 4.4.0 released
- https://github.com/fcrepo4/fcrepo4/releases/tag/fcrepo-4.4.0
- Justin:
- 4.3 didn't contain any bug fixes; this one apparently does.
- for instance, you couldn't upload OGG files in 4.3
- Unknown: Does this include updating metadata of files?
- Esme: yes
- (Notetaker: I don't know what this means. Anyone who knows, please clarify).
- Justin:
- we should upgrade hydra-jetty
- Action Item: Adam is all over this like rock on roll
- Action Item: Adam is all over this like rock on roll
- https://github.com/fcrepo4/fcrepo4/releases/tag/fcrepo-4.4.0
- Register opaquenamespace predicate for representative
- https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/curation_concerns/blob/master/curation_concerns-models/app/models/concerns/curation_concerns/has_representative.rb#L6
- The above is used for declaring one file as the "representative" file for a given Work that has multiple files.
- Justin: there was no such predicate so we made one up.
- Esme: FRBR has something similar, but FRBR semantics may not be what we are looking for.
- Is there an established process for adding vocabularies and terms to opaquenamespace.org?
- No, not yet.
- Is opaquenamespace a good option for other RDF vocabs, e.g.: https://github.com/projecthydra/sufia/issues/1327 ?
- ^ here are more predicates in need of a public home
- Could these go under the "hydra" namespace at opaquenamspaces.org?
- Giarlo: sure!
- Giarlo: sure!
- Conclusion:
- Come up with an established way of adding vocabularies and terms to opaquenamespace.org
- Action Item: cross-post with Hydra Metadata Interest Group
- In the meantime, use outstanding tickets for discussion and follow-through (see requirements below):
- Any new proposed term requires the following:
- Label
- Description
- Domain and Range are welcome, but not necessary at this time.
- Come up with an established way of adding vocabularies and terms to opaquenamespace.org
- https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/curation_concerns/blob/master/curation_concerns-models/app/models/concerns/curation_concerns/has_representative.rb#L6
- Sufia release
- Ran out of time, but anyone who want's to discuss, get a hold of Mike (mjgiarlo on IRC, #projecthydra on freenode)
- likely going to be 6.4. Lot's of changes since 6.3
- Next call
- Date: October 21, 2015
- Moderator: Steven Ng
- Notetaker: Mike Giarlo
- Date: October 21, 2015
, multiple selections available,