Samvera Partners
The Samvera Partners include the founding institutions, plus a growing number of Partners. Founders are denoted with an (f). In addition to the Partners, there are many adopters of Samvera technology.
Stanford University (f)
University of Hull (f)
University of Virginia (f)
Northwestern University
Penn State University
Indiana University
GBH Archives
Boston Public Library
Duke University
University of Cincinnati
Princeton University Library
Cornell University
Oregon State University
University of Oregon
Tufts University
University of Michigan
University of California, San Diego
Lafayette College
Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL)
The Digital Repository of Ireland
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Houston Libraries
Emory University
CoSector, University of London
Ubiquity Press
University of Utah
Software Services by (formerly Notch8)
Hyku for Consortia (PALNI & PALCI)
El Colegio de Mexico
British Library
Interested in becoming a partner? See The Samvera Partner Agreement for details or contact the Community Manager.
Interested in seeing why these institutions became Partners? See Partner Letters of Commitment for details.