Getting Started in the Samvera Community

Getting Started in the Samvera Community


Learn about Samvera

Join Community Conversations and Ask Questions

Join the Samvera Slack workspace

This is the best place to get started with the Samvera Community. Join us for discussion, questions, announcements, interest groups, and working groups. 

Fill out this form to get a Samvera Slack invitation.

Join Community Email Lists

Keep up with Community announcements, updates, and conversations. See all our available lists and sign up for those that interest you.

Sign up for a wiki account

You need an account for this wiki so that you can contribute to Samvera's pages. You can request an account by sending an email to heather@samvera.org

Attend an Interest Group, Technical Call, or Partner Meeting

Technical Call

There is a weekly Samvera technical call for developers and other folks who are contributing code or are actively using the core Samvera plugins & components. Contributors should consult the  Getting Connected page in the  Developers section of this wiki for more information.

Interest Groups

Anyone is welcome to attend an Interest Group Meeting to learn more about a Samvera technology, to ask questions, and to hear the latest updates. The Groups include individuals from many different roles including developers, managers, librarians, and others.

Avalon User Roundtable 

The Avalon User Roundtable is a community group that meets monthly to talk all things Avalon and AV in the world of libraries and archives. Agenda topics are sourced from the community, and all potential and current Avalon users are invited to attend!  

Hyku Interest Group

The Hyku Interest Group meets to discuss the Hyku repository application. Based on Hyrax, Hyku is intended to be an easy-to-install, easy-to-configure, feature-rich multi-tenancy solution. Hyku is designed to reduce barriers to effective asset management and preservation for collections and content types of many kinds.

Hyrax Interest Group

Anyone is welcome to learn more about Hyrax, the product roadmap, current initiatives, and to ask questions.

Metadata Interest Group

The Samvera Metadata Interest Group (SMIG) is interested in working together on base metadata recommendations for the Samvera Community. The scope of this group concentrates primarily on metadata as it relates to Samvera projects such as Hyrax, Hyku, and Avalon Media System. Types of metadata for which the group has or intends to create recommendations include technical, structural, descriptive, and rights metadata.

Repository Management Interest Group

Provides a support network and sounding board for anyone working with repositories (no matter what your title!) to ask questions and share implementations. The Group provides collective input on the Hyrax roadmap and feature development, providing use cases, proposals, and providing real-time input on implementation of features.

User Experience Interest Group

The Samvera User Experience (UX) interest group meets to discuss any aspect of the user experience, including usability, design, UX methods, and user interface consistency. The purpose of these discussions is to improve users' experiences with applications and systems. Such improvements are expected to occur through sharing of information and expertise across projects and institutions.

Attend an Event or Watch a Previous Event

Samvera Calendar

This calendar includes information for Samvera Community events, calls, and meetings.

Samvera Community Digital Repository

Find white papers, slides and recordings from previous events, and other Community materials in our Hyku-based repository.

Samvera YouTube Channels

Watch demos and past events on the Samvera Community and Samvera Hyku YouTube channels.

Talk to the Community Manager

You're welcome to email or schedule a call with @Heather Greer Klein, the Samvera Community Manager, to discuss the Community, Samvera technologies, ways to get started, for help or other questions.

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