Samvera Community Email Lists

Samvera Community Email Lists


Primary Lists

Samvera-CommunityĀ (5-10 messages a week on average)

Redirecting to Google Groups Ā This is the primary email list for Community updates.

Samvera-TechĀ (15-20 messages per week on average)

Ā Redirecting to Google Groups Ā  Subscribe to this list to ask questions and follow current technical discussions about Samvera and all of its components.

Other Open Lists

Samvera-AnnouncesĀ (2-5 messages a month)

Subscribe to this list atĀ Redirecting to Google Groups Ā if you want the minimum mailings - only the most important security, major release, and event announcements.

  • All messages to Samvera-Announces are sent also to the Samvera-Community and Samvera-Tech lists - if youā€™re subscribed to either of these lists, you donā€™t need to subscribe to Samvera-Announces

Samvera-ReleasesĀ (1-2 messages a month)

Subscribe to this list atĀ Redirecting to Google Groups Ā if you want notification of every new point (bugfix) release of Samvera and related software. Ā Most people will not need this density of release information. Ā Major releases are notified to the Samvera-Announces list.Samvera-Metadata

Ā Redirecting to Google Groups Ā Get help with or discuss metadata issues in Samvera.


Ā http://groups.google.com/group/blacklight-development Not a Samvera list as such but possibly of interest to those whose focus is on the Blacklight layer. Ā The primary mailing list for anyone using or improvingĀ Blacklight.

Samvera-HykuĀ (2-5 messages a month)

Ā https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/samvera-hyku/join Ā A list for Hyku updates, questions, and discussions.

Closed Lists


This is a closed list available to Samvera Slack administrators. Send email toĀ slack@samvera.orgĀ if you're having trouble with Slack.


This is a closed list available only to formal Samvera Partners and is typically used only for community governance discussions. If you are part of a Partner organization email heather@samvera.org to join the list.


This is a closed list available to Board members and is typically used for community maintenance and licensing activities.