Samvera table at OR2019

Samvera table at OR2019

Samvera will have an exhibition table at Open Repositories 2019.  The table will have Samvera materials available for distribution (leaflets, stickers, bags, etc.), and information from some of the vendors who support .  There should also be to enable laptop for demonstrations (and use to charge a machine and work quietly at times, if useful).  Key to the success of having an exhibition table will be having people from the Community be available for conversation and discussion.  As such, please see a table below with slots across the days of the conference.  If you are attending one or more days of the conference, please sign up to help out at some point across this period.  The more that delegates see the range of institutions using Samvera through their interaction at the table, the more they will appreciate what might do for them.  Thank you.

The timeslots in bold are those where it is likely there will be greater numbers of delegates circulating.  These are a priority for having people available at the table, so please give them primary attention.  At these times, and at others as it's more sociable, doubling up would be great.

DayTimeName (and affiliation)
June 10th8:00-9:00 (Morning coffee)Chris Awre (Hull)


10:30-11:00 (Coffee break)


12:30-13:30 (Lunch period)Chris Awre (Hull)


15:00-15:30 (Coffee break)Jon Dunn (Indiana)


17:00-17:30 (Coffee break)Chris Awre (Hull)

17:30-19:00Chris Awre (Hull)

June 11th8:00-9:00 (Morning coffee)Chris Awre (Hull)


10:30-11:00 (Coffee break)Mike Giarlo (Stanford) , David Schober (NU)


12:30-13:30 (Lunch)Chris Awre (Hull)


15:30-16:00 (Coffee break)David Schober (NU)


17:30-19:30 (Poster reception)

June 12th8:00-9:00 (Morning coffee)Chris Awre (Hull)


10:30-11:00 (Coffee break)Julie Hardesty (Indiana), David Schober (NU)


12:30-13:30 (Lunch)Jon Dunn (Indiana)


15:00-15:30 (Coffee break)Mike Giarlo (Stanford)


June 13th8:00-9:00 (Morning coffee)Chris Awre (Hull


10:30-11:00 (Coffee break)Julie Hardesty (Indiana)


12:30-13:30 (Lunch)Chris Awre (Hull)


14:30-15:00 (Coffee break)Mike Giarlo (Stanford)

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