Samvera ORCID Plug-in

Samvera ORCID Plug-in

Samvera ORCID Plug-in


In October, 2013, the University of Notre Dame was awarded a grant from ORCID and the Sloan foundation to build an integration between ORCID and a Samvera-based IR application.

Award AnnouncementĀ 

The Hydra ORCID Integrator Plug-in can be re-used by any Samvera Community institution implementing the Samvera stack/ Fedora Commons to integrate their Institutional Repository (IR) with ORCID. The prototype plugin will be open-source code shared during the first months of the project on github and employed within CurateND, the University of Notre Dameā€™s institutional repository which is a Samvera Community implementation. The proposed project to create an ORCID integrator will benefit all Samvera Community members seeking to implement ORCID iDs within their repositories and will be facilitated by a Samvera Community code sharing event planned midway through the funded effort to ensure successful uptake by multiple institutions.

In addition to Notre Dame, the University of Hull, Northwestern University, the Royal Library of Denmark, and Stanford University have pledged support to contribute to effort and implement at their own institutions. Ā All Hydra partners that have expressed interest in using the plug-in include:Ā 

  • Indiana University
  • Northwestern University
  • Penn State University
  • Stanford University
  • The Royal Library of Denmark
  • University of Hull
  • Yale University
  • University of Notre Dame
  • Duke University

The following campus partners at Notre Dame will also work to support and leverage the effort to create ORCID iDs for local researchers, and integrate with ORCID:

Campus partners (ND)

  • Academic Colleges on Campus (College of Arts and Letters, College of Engineering, College of Science)
  • Center for Research Computing
  • ECK Center for Global Health
  • Office of Research
  • Office of the Provost

Design and Implementation Plan

More details are in the attached proposal including design, timeline, and use cases:

ND ORCID Proposal Implementation Details.pdf





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