Metadata Call 2017-03-28
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Moderator: ruth.k.tillman and Juliet Hardesty
Notetaker: John Huck
Charles Hosale (WGBH)
Alex May (Tufts), Margaret Peachy (Tufts), Adrienne Pruitt (Tufts)
John Huck (University of Alberta)
Danny Pucci (Boston Public Library)
Andy Weidner (University of Houston)
Ruth Tillman (University of Notre Dame)
Johanna Radding (Amherst College)
Kate Gerrity (Amherst College)
Maggie Dickson (Duke University)
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Arwen Hutt (UCSD)
Ryan Johnson (UCSD)
Chris Mayo (Boston College)
Ryan Wick (Oregon State University / Oregon Digital)
Steven Villereal (University of Virginia)
Chrissy Rissmeyer (UCSB)
Julia Simic (UOregon)
Sarah Seymore (UOregon)
Subgroup Reports
MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
Met recently, reviewed work, which is approaching completion.
3-4 more meetings to finish collaboration documents
Facilitation is shared, due to departure of Steven Anderson from BPL
Conversion code (webform that produces Fedora object from MODS XML): status unclear at this point, but may need updating at the least.
URI Selection Working Group
Ryan Wick: WG just getting started. 4 people expressed interest. Others are welcome to join! wiki page
URI Management group produced the tools that will provide the basis for this WG's work.
Nothing at this time.
Report from LDCX (Julie Hardesty)
LDCX is a Stanford conference on library technology (running 7-8 years)
It has become more Hydra focused over time, but not exclusively so.
Some sessions:
Blacklight interface for archival finding aids (ArcLight) project is getting underway
Metadata documentation, data modelling
Agenda with meeting notes:
Documentation Wiki/Setup (Ruth Tillman)
Last time on the IG call, discussed the idea of a mechanism for collecting documentation for various aspects of Hydra metadata, including institutional documentation.
The wiki is a first attempt at implementing something like this.
Chrissy: shared definitions of things like column headings would help a lot. E.g., "these are the things that you might want to capture." Developing this could be a starting point for this initiative.
e.g., ways to describe/define cardinality.
Request for feedback from developers when changes to metadata will have an undue impact on function/code. How to develop common ways, language to describe these questions?
Look to DCE's example of developing documentation -
Required indication (MUST, SHOULD, etc) is from the developer viewpoint, what will break the application/what won’t have any impact on the system
Metadata Documentation session at LDCX (non-technical documentation) -
Models to look at listed at the end of the notes above, esp. contentDM model.
Comparison of different styles of documentation (e.g., devs)
Trying to document what comes out of the box for various platforms / hydra heads
MODS/RDF mappings can feed into this. A new installation could look at mappings, apply them as needed.
Distinguishing between required fields for the system vs. institutional requirements.
Fields that are universal across works vs. fields that apply to certain object types.
Informing from other Hydra IG/WG
Applied Linked Data
New leader from Chemical Heritage Foundation - Anna Headley
2 sessions scheduled at LDCX
Chris: Group didn't meet in March, but previously expressed their satisfaction at having the link to HMIG.
Adrienne: Meeting soon and providing feedback on ArcLight mock-ups
John: I am working on a draft of a charter for a new WG that would seek to offer recommendations for a few key geo predicates to supplement 'out of the box' predicates. The Geospatial IG will review this draft charter at its next meeting on April 20th.
Plugins: meeting notes from LDCX:
Doodle Poll out for JSON-LD Demo. Please Respond:
Session will be recorded using Zoom