Metadata Call 2018-01-23
Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Moderator: Juliet Hardesty and ruth.k.tillman
Notetaker: Ruth Tillman
Community Notes:
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Sarah Imholt (Oregon State University)
Ruth Tillman (Penn State University)
Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
Linda Ballinger (Penn State University)
Crystal Richardson (Notch8)
James Griffin (Princeton University)
Anna Goslen (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)
Julia Simic (University of Oregon)
Subgroup Reports
URI Selection WG
Ryan Wick reporting: quiet over the holidays, no new submissions, next meeting 1/26 at 9am Pacific.
Working with Steering to arrange development of vocab manager.
Julie Hardesty: most recently met Monday, white paper is coming together. Elements from various spreadsheets and mapping are coming over into the white paper and getting organized.
White paper includes direct mapping/minted object mapping.
One more meeting right before ALA MW with goal of white paper release for comment/feedback more broadly than just Samvera community (though we’ll need a lot of feedback from Samvera)
Geo Predicates WG
James Griffin: Based off discussions at SamveraConnect. They’re working on the Me4MAP modeling
Me4MAP is the methodology from which was based the WG’s process and the deliverables chosen
Identifying elements to map to RDF predicates is nearly complete. Next week is the Geo4LibCamp, at which they’re hoping to finish domain model.
Next up would be environmental scan to determine whether existing ontologies with adequate predicates could be used. Develop usage guidelines and document entire process.
Metadata Ordering (community conversation)!topic/samvera-tech/g1oa5B2B0Wk
The challenge of handling any kind of ordering of metadata, particularly author names, in RDF, which is not intended to model ordered metadata.
Example from PSU:
Julie requesting/proposing whether a group could examine what’s out there and consider these… Suggests working group (Ruth seconds) will talk with Steve van Tuyl about making up a short-term wg proposal.
Open Hyrax issue:
Reports from other WG
Linda - coordinating with the Cultural Assessment Interest Group (DLF)? Possible metadata subgroup emerging within that group.
Samvera Interest Group for Advising the Hyrax Roadmap (SIGAHR)
Julie: Do we want to have a metadata representation on the Hyrax roadmap? With Hyrax having come out of IR work, they may be trying to shift it toward representing digital collections and general digital management work.
Documenting MAPs
Connecting with Documentation WG
Hyrax descriptive metadata
Issues arising with Avalon, which will be using Hyrax (in Avalon). Trying to work out the concept of an Avalon worktype or a media worktype. Avalon descriptive data is MODS-based/catalog-record based, not specific to audio or video. More fields and more types of information than what Hyrax supplies out of the box.
Similarly, the elements being mapped from MODS->RDF comes up with a larger list of fields than what Hyrax has out of the box.
Per Mike Giarlo, It might be possible to expand on this but would require a migration path for people who are already using it.
AValon Hyrax field comparison -
Hyku field list -
Possibility of ongoing work with comparison and then talking with Hyrax developers about what’s possible and what works.
From developer point of view -- extremely useful to hear that up front vs. trying to fix it later.
There are still some open issues in Hyrax (which also may be tagged)
Demo ideas - what would you like to see in action?
Ruth volunteering to schedule Documentation WG to see their practices in action.