Metadata Call 2019-11-19
Metadata Call 2019-11-19
Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: +1 (605) 313-5169, access code 651025
Moderator: Nora Egloff
Notetaker: Julie Hardesty
Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m6pOFMDl8GSdVCQNckAmxc1dXWUUIrlVIl1DnkGJn6M/edit?usp=sharing
- Attendees
- Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Nora Egloff (Lafayette)
Jen Young (Northwestern University)
Cara Key (Oregon State University)
Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)
Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
- Subgroup Reports
- Machine-readable Metadata Modeling Specification Working Group
- No update - see question below
- URI Selection WG
- Good chats at Samvera Connect, Julie Allinson is working on Github site and domain - need to check in with her about status
- Geo Predicates WG
- No update
- Machine-readable Metadata Modeling Specification Working Group
- Issues/Questions
- Space between active and completed work (for WGs) - groups where primary function is maintenance, how can that be represented? Maybe “Standing Group”?
- Similar to URI Selection WG so maybe there’s already precedence and standing groups are just a kind of working group
- Roadmap Council update (Jen Young)
- Last meeting on 11/12/2019 -- Focused on having a retrospective of our work during the past year. Came up with a list of action items to focus on. Welcome any feedback or other items to be added
- Illuminating to Jen in revealing uncertainty around goals of group: are the roadmaps aligned? Does “roadmap” need to be defined? Gather roadmaps from other groups in Samvera Community? Good activity to do and will help moving forward
- Katherine Lynch joining next meeting (11/26/2019) - as a representative for Valkyrie.
- Katherine is PO for Valkyrie, invited partially because there’s no Hyrax PO yet, but Hyrax PO will be additional Roadmap Council member and Valkyrie rep will remain
- Partner survey over summer - will this be repeated regularly?
- Not discussed if partner survey should be done regularly but Jen can ask group
- Survey didn’t reveal any surprises but always good to check in
- Last meeting on 11/12/2019 -- Focused on having a retrospective of our work during the past year. Came up with a list of action items to focus on. Welcome any feedback or other items to be added
- Topics
- Samvera Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group
- Draft charter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ddTBW0DJ7owe1fnjHxA1Ay0vEMhBtxEkQyrH9M9rJUY/edit?usp=sharing
- Add QA wiki page on how to add local vocab to Resources
- Phases for timeline - Julie fill this out and send as draft to samvera-metadata google group for review
- Aim for January to announce group and offer sign-up
- Next call: January 28, 3-4pm Eastern
- Samvera Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group
, multiple selections available,
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