Metadata Call 2021-10-26

Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern

Call-In Info:

Community Notes:


Moderator(s): @Anna Goslen
Notetaker: @Nora Zimmerman



  • Anna Goslen (UNC-Chapel Hill)

  • Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)

  • Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette)

  • Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)

  • Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)

  • Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)

  • Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)

  • Meredith Louise Hale


  • Subgroup Reports

    • URI Selection Working Group

      • No updates at this time

  • Roadmaps Alignment Group Update

    • Jen young will be stepping down as liaison from SMIG to this group

    • NZ will reach out to jen + folks who have expressed interest in maybe stepping into that role

  • Issues/Questions

    • None

  • Discussion Topics

    • Samvera Connect reflections

      • AG: really enjoyed jen’s lightning talk about reparative remediation as well as the Bulrax deep-dive

      • NZ: presentations on collaborative workflows involving multiple departments

    • SMIG Scope and Objectives

      • Question of meeting frequency

        • Seems like for the time being, folks agree to keep standing monthly meetings

      • Could try to better utilize the “provide ways to share metadata work in progress” at meetings in a more structured way. Invite participants to share their ongoing projects in a low stakes way

      • Is Avalon still a viable part of our scope?

        • Julie: Avalon is likely going to be incorporated into Hyrax in the ~near~ future and so there may very well be Avalon-related metadata work soon

        • Is there an a/v worktype?

          • Not right now, Avalon is still using a separate standalone stack.  The descriptive metadata switch to the draft MAP has not happened, it’s still MODS XML based; but technical and administrative has been moved to RDF


          • Gap analysis of what Avalon is doing prior to it’s incorporation into Hyrax will happen, and this will include metadata evaluation

          • SMIG could play a role in advising on this work.  The descriptive metadata currently uses a lot of ebucore.  There is a question of how this relates with PBCore

      • Are there ways we could support documentation of metadata crosswalking/integration from commonly used complementary systems, such as EAD XML from ArchiveSpace or audiovisual material in Avalon, or in the use of the AllisonFlex gem?

        • Having someone from SMIG be part of the Roadmaps Alignment Group will be critical for advancing these kinds of integrations and collaborations and making them priorities

      • The SMIG member list has a lot of folks who have changed institutions or are no longer actively involved

        • The membership list, outside of naming the current co-facilitators, could be purged.  

        • To document participation, the DLF Metadata Support Group lists the folks who have attended meetings in the past year. Updated annually. 

        • Alternatively, could move “past members/participants” to the bottom of the page as a memorialization.

    • Topics/Plans for next year

      • At the beginning of the year, we had discussed an EDI roundtable

        • How to serve content warnings in repository applications

        • Local namespaces

        • Reparative metadata work and critical cataloging

      • Sharing Metadata Application Profiles/Worktypes within Samvera community applications

      • Sharing current metadata projects and ongoing work

      • Accessibility work in the metadata context


        • What constitutes a “good faith effort” towards accessibility benchmarks, and how can metadata be used for this?

        • How to serve Alt text in Samvera applications? 

        • How can or should metadata be used in our applications towards addressing these issues? 

        • DPLA links to a statement on each page re: harmful and outdated content

        • Could schedule a roundtable discussion, and invite folks to participate from outside our immediate community (e.g. DLF Accessibility WG) and also folks from other active Samvera IGs/WGs

        • Accessibility could very well be an area that coalesces its own separate Samvera community IG/WG

    • Demo Suggestions

      • Invite folks involved in AllisonFlex to either do a demo at a SMIG meeting or to send in a recorded demo for SMIG to discuss, and someone could be there to answer questions 

      • Ryan and Sarah from UOregon are willing to do a demo of their Bulkrax implementation, which they’ve been working on with Notch8, in early 2022. 

    • Other Topics for SMIG to potentially consider this year

      • Linked data integrations (e.g. ORCID) and handling/processing of metadata from external sources

      • Roadmaps alignment group has been looking into DOI-minting and DOI integration work; automated registration with DataCite

        • AK: integrations with DOI/DataCite could have unintended consequences for some types of work, for example it is really geared towards scholarly publishing and not antiquities