Metadata Call 2024-04-23
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Community Notes: Samvera Metadata Interest Group Meeting: 2024 Rolling Minutes
Moderator(s): Annamarie Klose
Notetaker: Emma Beck
Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
Christine Peterson (Amigos)
Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)
Cara Key (Oregon State University)
Emma Beck (University of Louisville)
Kim Kelmor (GU Law Library)
Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette)
Roadmaps Alignment Group Update
Working on whitepaper that is update on state of Samvera technology
Met, should be an update soon
Samvera updates
Virtual Samvera Connect coming up May 7th & 8th - on Youtube and recorded
Developer congress May 13th - 17th
Jeremy Friesen is leaving, losing another board members
Seeking 2 board members
Explaining partnerships and hoping to recruit more Samvera partners
Samvera is an international community. How do we support internationalization and different languages in our Samvera platforms in terms of metadata and other displayed content? Or do we not support other languages / internationalization?
Lafayette has metadata encoded in UTF-8 and a language tag in some fields
spot/app/forms/concerns/language_tagged_form_fields.rb at primary · LafayetteCollegeLibraries/spot
converts the values to RDF literals and assigns the language tag where present
Current international hyrax issues that need fixing
Georgetown tenant seeking information on the permissions not carrying over when adding a user
Documentation leaves a lot to be desired in Samvera
Custom thumbnails in Hyrax and Hyku
Looking to create custom fields and hide metadata fields? What's required/not required in a field?
Is this AllinsonFlex - contexts which are connected to admin sets
IU Demo -
Minutes from that meeting - Metadata Call 2023-06-27
Open Discussion
Upcoming events: Samvera Virtual Connect 2024 - May 7-8
Next meeting: May 28, 2024, 2-3 pm Eastern