Metadata Call 2023-08-22

Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern

Call-In Info:

Community Notes:


Moderator(s): Annamarie Klose

Notetaker: Emma Beck



  •  @Emma Beck (University of Louisville)

  • @Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)

  • @Annamarie Klose (Ohio State)

  • @Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)

  • @Heather Greer Klein



  • Emma Beck, University of Louisville, new SMIG co-facilitator welcome

  • Switch to rolling meeting minutes in GoogleDocs?

    • There were no objections to rolling meeting minutes by year.

    • There will still be separate wiki pages for each meeting.

  • Roadmaps Alignment Group Update - Julie

    • Met in August, starting back up

    • Gathering around Fedora 6 support. What does that look like across the Samvera community?

    • Bulkrax? Seems like more people are using it, so perhaps its time to start thinking about how it can be more supported by this group?

    • Valkerization work is still going on, community sprints. Hopefully will get more news this week

    • Hyrax Tech Lead/PO will have turnover next year. Whats next for those?

  • OAI Documentation Working Group Update - Annamarie

    • Goal is to have documentation ready for Connect, but will be tight

    • Part of the issue is no one on the group is a developer, so invited some developers to last meeting

    • Documentation will go on the Wiki resources page, under metadata 

    • Less is more approach

    • As always, goal is regular updates because things will change over time

    • Asking for feedback next month

    • Is it only by Adim set? Can it be by collection? Still working through various uses and implementations to learn more

  • Discussion on Samvera Metadata Slack

    • Nested metadata

    • Margaret Kibi will join the next meeting to help answer questions

    • UNC has a type of nested metadata, but not quite what the discussion was on slack

    • A working group looked ordering fields a while back, but the community was unable to decide on a consensus 

    • Might be helpful -

  • Planning SMIG round table event - EDI or Accessibility?

    • Last DEI round table was last January (year and a half ago) -

    • Some interest in accessibility maybe. Transcription

    • Emma noted her institution went into accessibility issues for their repository.

  • Open Discussion

    • Emma asked about the citation features in Hyku. Another issue was the contact form in Hyku. When they updated it, they started getting spam.

    • Julie said that IU has a different contact form. She’s assuming the main one is in the Dashboard. Their Endnote citation is not functioning.

    • PALCI has a good citation feature.

    • Anna noted that UNC has a good export feature.  


Next meeting:September 26, 2-3pm Eastern