Metadata Call 2023-08-22
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Community Notes:
Moderator(s): Annamarie Klose
Notetaker: Emma Beck
@Emma Beck (University of Louisville)
@Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
@Annamarie Klose (Ohio State)
@Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
@Heather Greer Klein
Emma Beck, University of Louisville, new SMIG co-facilitator welcome
Switch to rolling meeting minutes in GoogleDocs?
There were no objections to rolling meeting minutes by year.
There will still be separate wiki pages for each meeting.
Roadmaps Alignment Group Update - Julie
Met in August, starting back up
Gathering around Fedora 6 support. What does that look like across the Samvera community?
Bulkrax? Seems like more people are using it, so perhaps its time to start thinking about how it can be more supported by this group?
Valkerization work is still going on, community sprints. Hopefully will get more news this week
Hyrax Tech Lead/PO will have turnover next year. Whats next for those?
OAI Documentation Working Group Update - Annamarie
Goal is to have documentation ready for Connect, but will be tight
Part of the issue is no one on the group is a developer, so invited some developers to last meeting
Documentation will go on the Wiki resources page, under metadata
Less is more approach
As always, goal is regular updates because things will change over time
Asking for feedback next month
Is it only by Adim set? Can it be by collection? Still working through various uses and implementations to learn more
Lots of interest to have it by collection
Oregon Digital and Lafayette
Discussion on Samvera Metadata Slack
Nested metadata
Margaret Kibi will join the next meeting to help answer questions
UNC has a type of nested metadata, but not quite what the discussion was on slack
A working group looked ordering fields a while back, but the community was unable to decide on a consensus
Might be helpful - Metadata and Bitstream Format Registries - DSpace 7.x Documentation - LYRASIS Wiki
Planning SMIG round table event - EDI or Accessibility?
Last DEI round table was last January (year and a half ago) - Roundtable Discussion on Metadata for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 2022-01-25
Some interest in accessibility maybe. Transcription
Emma noted her institution went into accessibility issues for their repository.
Open Discussion
Emma asked about the citation features in Hyku. Another issue was the contact form in Hyku. When they updated it, they started getting spam.
Julie said that IU has a different contact form. She’s assuming the main one is in the Dashboard. Their Endnote citation is not functioning.
PALCI has a good citation feature.
Anna noted that UNC has a good export feature.
Next meeting:September 26, 2-3pm Eastern