Metadata Call 2023-07-25
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info:
Community Notes:
Moderator(s): Annamarie K.
Notetaker: Nora Z.
@Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
Katharine Van Arsdale (Andrews University - Adventist Digital Library)
@Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
@Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
@Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)
@Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette College)
Meredith Hale (University of Tennessee)
@Christine Peterson (Amigos)
Welcome Emma Beck, University of Louisville, as SMIG co-facilitator!
Will be at next meeting!
Part of Hyku community
Roadmaps Alignment Group Update - Heather
No meetings this summer
Release candidate ready to be cut soon
Fedora release candidate coming soon for Hyrax (Fedora 6 Working Group is currently forming)
OAI Documentation Working Group Update - Annamarie
Invited developers to discuss what it takes to install OAI with Blacklight (only method used by participating institutions)
There are some differences between what these institutions are doing, versions of OAI are also making a difference
OAI use cases - DPLA , EBSCO discovery service, importing with Bulkrax
Presentation on Adventist Digital Library’s use of Bulkrax - Katharine Van Arsdale, Andrews University
Hyku with tenants - using it for institutional repositories
Import with OAI and import with CSV
Modify metadata with CSV
Export (currently broken, doesn’t export what you tell it to export)
OAI import - hope to use this set to more frequent (repeating imports with same feed); migrating from Islandora/MODS
Offset kind of coincides with Frequency (using same OAI feed, have to offset to a specific record number to pick up a new import)
Zip file of CSV and file directory containing image files - limited size because of image file size (probably 25 Image works is limit they experience)
Next meeting: August 22, 2023, 2-3pm Eastern