Metadata Call 2021-09-28
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info:
Community Notes:
Moderator(s): Nora Z.
Notetaker: Rebecca Pattillo
Jen Young (Northwestern University)
Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette)
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Rebecca Pattillo (University of Louisville)
Cara Key (Oregon State University)
Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
Subgroup Reports
URI Selection Working Group
Roadmaps Alignment Group Update (jen young)
Created Samvera Maintenance Issues
Central list of outstanding technical debt and what it may be blocking and what issues will come out of previous technical debt.
Looking into various aspects of code for code reclamation - one being a code doi generator. Already one in Samvera Labs they think they might be able to bring back into the main code base
John Cameron working on technical stack description to go on main Samvera website
Jen looking to step down from the role because has been the rep for ~3 years. Would anyone like to be the representative moving forward?
Represents issues that come up from SMIG that may need to be brought up to Samvera Council and vice versa. Good option for someone who is not as deep into the coding aspect of Samvera.
Jen will send an email and post in Slack seeking new representative.
None today
Discussion Topics
Samvera Connect 2021 - 14-15 and 18-22 October 2021
Lightning talk call is still open, until Sept 30, and likely to be extended
Jen Young planning on submitting one about local authorities in their repository re: remediating harmful language
Next meeting will be Oct 26