OAI Documentation Working Group

Scope & Objectives

There is no shared guidance on use and implementation of OAI-PMH with the Samvera platform. This working group gathers and then provides shared documentation to assist fellow Samverans with implementing OAI.

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Time: Regular meetings on the third Monday of every month from 2-3 pm Eastern


Deliverables & Time frame

Documentation is for Samverans to create OAI endpoint. Documentation may be shared through a wiki or KB (TBD).

Planned completion for Samvera Connect 2023.


  • @Annamarie Klose, facilitator (Ohio State University)

  • @Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette College)

  • @Amanda Hurford (PALNI)

  • Katharine Van Arsdale (Adventist Digital Library)

  • Meredith Hale (University of Tennessee)


Meeting Notes