Metadata Call 2024-08-27
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Community Notes:
Moderator(s): Annamarie Klose
Notetaker: Emma Beck
Annamarie Klose, Ohio State University
Emma Beck, University of Louisville
Anna Goslen, UNC-Chapel Hill
Heather Greer Klein, Samvera
Benjamin Riesenberg, University of Oregon
Steve McDonald, Tufts University
Cara Key, Oregon State University
Meredith Hale, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Christine Peterson, Amigos Library Services
Morgan McKeehan (she/her/hers), Oregon State University Libraries & Press
Rachel Jacobson (she/her/hers), Georgetown University
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Samvera Data Models (from Slack)
Oregon (?) data model example - Hydra::Works PCDM Diagram
Does anyone have or would be willing to get a RDF dump? Benjamin Riesenberg ( from University of Oregon would like to use it to investigate
If it’s fedora 4 its PCDM (Hyrax 3 is fedora 4)
Ordering of compound objects
Can’t remember the context this came up in, seems to be a bit of across the board issue for people in various contexts. OSU and UofL both have had this issue
UNC has ordered their authors with hierarchy
More historical info about metadata ordering in the community:Hyrax Metadata Ordering Working Group
Presentation that has some more information about UNC’s people objects:Implementing a new Carolina Digital Repository: communities, customizations and change - AG also happy to put folks in touch with UNC developers for technical questions
Emma/Anna cannot remember the context of this question so will move on. If someone remembers how this came up, let us know and we will add it to the agenda again
Link shared by AK in chat: Ordering metadata fields with multiple values · Issue #4781 · samvera/hyrax
Might be more about sorting
Broken up source field (Georgetown from Slack)
Georgetown developer fixed it!
Ended up being a Solr problem
“The solution to our Source issue was: we had to make the field sortable (“sim”) within Blacklight, indicated that it should be "facetable" in an additional file, BasicMetadataIndexer, and then reindex”
Changed title in collection, and then the collection would not show up in the filtering
Some others have had similar but not quite exact issues, seems like Solar/Hyrax/Hyku is almost remembering the previous system but not quite
The solution thus far has been to completely delete and re-upload the content
Vendor packages questions - Tufts
Ingesting content
Roadmaps alignment group update
Representatives from various samvera products
Technology community report should be out before the end of the calendar year that would discuss various developments in the community
How do we support various developments going on in the community. Avalon is kinda doing its own thing. Hyrax and Hyku are a bit more community based. The newest release of Hyku 6 should have allinson flex, which would make it possible in Hyrax
In the next few weeks it should be in Hyku and we should be able to see it there
Allows people to design a set of fields with a context that can be assigned to an admin set or specific fields
Amigos has headed up some work with British LIbraries and PALS with the goals of:
UI for editing/creating metadata
Optional ability to make updates with upload of YAML file will be retained
Ability to create and update new work types and metadata profiles
Create fields or edit/update field names
Ability to determine which fields are required
Contexts, a preset of metadata fields related to a specific repository or source, attached to an
M3 (Machine-readable Metadata Modeling) metadata specification
We’re still working through what this will exactly look like, but it has a lot of possibilities
UI is able to see more than 10 facets in the more dialog which sounds like not a default
Next meeting September 24th