Metadata Call 2023-11-28
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Community Notes: Samvera Metadata Interest Group Meeting: 2023 Fall
Moderator(s): Annamarie Klose
Notetaker: Emma Beck
@Emma Beck (University of Louisville)
Rachel Jacobson (Georgetown University)
@Cara Key (Oregon State University)
@Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
@Christine Peterson (Amigos Library Services)
@Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)
@Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
OAI-PMH documentation group finished their charge and result is now hosted on the Samvera Wiki!
Roadmaps alignments group - no big updates, just plans for new year
Best way to identify scholarly works? Dublin Core (dc.source)? Homegrown? - Question via slack from Rachel Jacobson
Dc.source - help text
Question from Georgetown (Hyku)
OSU (Hyrax) no. We use a custom Genre field based on MODS for the worktype. We use Type/Resource Type with DCMI type terms for harvesting. Source is used for a long string that designates the difference between the analog object and the digital object.
Amigos, most libraries use original work name
An issue is that Hyku doesn’t make it easy to add metadata fields. Most Hyku instances represented in this group have been customized.
User suggested metadata? - Christine Peterson’s question
There’s a project in New Mexico that she is looking into. A consideration is for instance that “Navajo” is not a term used in the indigenous community for instance. She was looking more for see and see also terms.
Julie noted there are gems, e.g. Questioning Authority, that lets you use a controlled vocabulary that is published or provide your own terms. However, she doesn’t know if Hyku provides that. Using it is field-specific. For instance, based near uses Geonames with QA gem. You can see an example on a Nurax instance.
Cara says they use QA with both their repositories. However, the term you want has to be in your controlled vocabulary.
Allinson Flex poster:
Open Discussion
SMIG Accessibility Round Table reminder - February 2024
Julie might have something to share! They are having website reviews and changes.
Anna will have some changes to share.
No December meeting, next meeting is January 23rd 2023