Metadata Call 2020-08-25
Metadata Call 2020-08-25
Time: 3:00-4:00pm Eastern
Call-in Info: https://unc.zoom.us/j/211033358?pwd=WERUdnBWeHRqRVBRMmlOVWU3SlN0QT09
Moderator(s): Nora Zimmerman and Anna Goslen
Notetaker: Nora Zimmerman
Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O9J1Hwt0z0YUfQa1rQXlgl0bMvBLCfUFqCuYwcNdJOw/
- Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
- Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
- Rebecca Pattillo (University of Louisville)
- Nora Egloff (Lafayette)
- Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)
- Gretchen Gueguen (PALCI)
- Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
- Emily Stenberg (Washington University in STL)
- Subgroup Reports
- URI Selection Working Group
- Ryan: no updates from this WG
- Geo Predicates Working Group
- no one from this group on the call; is this WG on hiatus?
- Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group
- Julie: Decision Tree document is in good shape for review by SMIG members. Spreadsheet is also in a shareable place. The WG is on track for completing work by Samvera Connect as scheduled.
- Hyrax Metadata Application Profile Documentation Review Working Group
- Met Aug 13. Looking at testing and development of Hyrax 3 to see if any changes to MAP needed. A few changes related to title & alternative title. Looked at pages in the knowledge base, considering where things can go, ex. Linking to output from M3. Next meeting Sept 16.
- URI Selection Working Group
- Roadmap Council Update (Jen Young)
- We will be interviewing the three candidates for Samvera Community Manager over the next week.
- Also changing name to Roadmaps Alignment Group - more info coming soon.
- Issues/Questions
- Nurax QA testing has a spreadsheet for sign-up, which is being organized by Maria Whitaker. They are looking for volunteers to test end-user search and discovery (among other things) in different browsers for the Hyrax 3 release candidates.
- Anna: has anyone gotten a WikiData or local WikiBase-like directory to work e.g. for an advisor field?
- Ryan & Julie: Running a local Wikibase *is* theoretically an option, there have been some articles about this although not necessarily from Samvera-land. If there is any sort of linked data SPARQL endpoint then QA should be able to call it up.
- Topics
- Review of Controlled Vocabulary (CV) Decision Tree draft
- Written up in a way with the intention of walking people through decision points in their content management systems that could flag the need for a controlled vocabulary. Also how to look for and evaluate controlled vocabularies.
- The WG is still building up the ‘Further Reading’ list and would appreciate recommendations from metadata practitioners in the community
- Review of spreadsheet of CV options
- Intended as resource to help folks locate controlled vocabularies and gather options that are useful for certain subjects or communities, especially for marginalized groups
- Columns indicate different criteria for evaluation of the CV
- Are there other venues that might be good places to share/publish (Code4Lib community, DLF?)
- Julie will send out an email to the metadata list to solicit additional feedback once the feedback from today’s discussion is integrated
- Review of Controlled Vocabulary (CV) Decision Tree draft
- Next Call : September 22, 2020 3-4pm Eastern
, multiple selections available,
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