Documenting and Assessing Metadata in Hyrax
Documenting and Assessing Metadata in Hyrax
June 13, 2018, 2-3pm Eastern Time
Samvera Developer Knowledge Base: Defining Metadata in the Model
Nurax - currently running Hyrax 2.1.0 (unreleased)
Describing Collections and Works in Hyku (draft in progress)
Hyrax Metadata Specifications and Documents - proposed metadata starter specs from Christina Harlow and Tom Johnson
Samvera/hyrax open Github issues involving metadata fields
2018-06-13 Agenda:
- Review changes from last meeting
- Review Google Doc
- Review list of issues/changes
- Work toward coming up with next steps and discuss how documentation should be released.
2018-05-24 Agenda:
- Review activities from last meeting
- Review Google Doc
- Review list of issues/changes
- Continue editing Google Doc for documentation and gathering feedback on default metadata fields
- How do they compare to descriptive fields in your collections?
2018-05-04 Agenda:
- Review activities from last meeting
- Review Google Doc so far
- Feedback re: default metadata fields
- How do they compare to descriptive fields in your collections?
- Edit Google Doc to contribute formal Hyrax Metadata Specs to Samvera Developer Knowledge Base
2018-04-23 Agenda:
- Review and determine current set of metadata fields
- Review documentation style options
- Feedback re: default metadata fields
- How do they compare to descriptive fields in your collections?
- Edit Google Doc to contribute formal Hyrax Metadata Specs to Samvera Developer Knowledge Base
, multiple selections available,
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