Metadata Call 2019-05-28

Metadata Call 2019-05-28

Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern

Call-In Info: +1 (605) 313-5169, access code 651025 

Moderator:  ruth.k.tillman (Regrets: Julie Hardesty)

Notetaker: John Huck

Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I236Orcxs1LTUgkpcZYbj-rP0L5wvTIwZHYGFyNe14c/edit?usp=sharing


  • Attendees
    • Jen Young, Northwestern University
    • Ruth Tillman, Penn State
    • John Huck, University of Alberta
    • Ryan Johnson, UC San Diego
    • Anna Goslen, UNC Chapel Hill
    • Cara Key, Oregon State University
    • Nora Egloff, Lafayette College
  • Subgroup Reports
  • Issues/Questions
  • Topics
    • Controlled vocabulary options in Hyrax
      • Julie presented Making Hyrax more inclusive through vocabulary choice as lightning talk at Samvera Virtual Connect - wondering if there's interest in talking about this some more and doing something? Willing to facilitate conversation outside of SMIG Meeting and see if this indicates the need for a working group.
      • Idea is to provide more controlled vocabulary options as default in Hyrax from historically marginalized communities (for Subject and Keyword fields, but possibly others as well). Things to consider:
        • What vocabularies are out there and what is their format now? (see Classification Schemes and CVs Google spreadsheet for what Julie has gathered so far)
        • Do we need to contact manager/maintainer of vocabulary to discuss options for including in Hyrax?
        • Do vocabularies need to be in Linked Data format and if they are not, can we provide that format through something like the Samvera Community Vocabulary Manager or can we include vocabularies some other way (local vocabulary that is part of Hyrax, something like the rdf-vocab gem) without needing Linked Data?
      • Possibility -- pick smaller-non RDF, offer hosting it through the URI thing as we have URI stuff actually functioning?
        • We would need working hosting
        • Break down and test steps
    • Nurax Demo
      • Thursday, June 6, 2:30pm Eastern - record and try to keep it short (30 minutes max) - watch for announcement next week