Metadata Call 2020-07-28
Metadata Call 2020-07-28
Time: 3:00-4:00pm Eastern
Call-in Info: https://unc.zoom.us/j/211033358?pwd=WERUdnBWeHRqRVBRMmlOVWU3SlN0QT09
Moderator(s): Nora Zimmermanand Anna Goslen
Notetaker: Anna Goslen
Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E2SXF0eunouMx74-YCOazLj21wti3KrZJA8b96WivTU/edit?usp=sharing
- Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Rebecca Pattillo (University of Louisville)
- Nora Egloff (Lafayette)
- Gretchen Gueguen (PALCI)
- Cara Key (Oregon State University)
- Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
- Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)
- Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
- Maggie Zhao (Yale University)
- Subgroup Reports
- URI Selection Working Group
- Ryan: no updates
- Geo Predicates Working Group
- No one from group on call
- Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group
- Julie: We are still editing the Decision Tree document and think we will have something ready in August for the Metadata Interest Group to review and suggest edits. We are also considering some of the different types of information we have been gathering in a spreadsheet (the types of fields that might use controlled vocabularies and examples of CVs used with those fields, places to find CV options, CV options available with the Questioning Authority gem, and Hyrax/Hyku specific fields connected to CVs) and considering how we might turn that into a Github repo for collaborative information gathering of all of this as well as CVs from historically marginalized communities.
- Julie: We are still editing the Decision Tree document and think we will have something ready in August for the Metadata Interest Group to review and suggest edits. We are also considering some of the different types of information we have been gathering in a spreadsheet (the types of fields that might use controlled vocabularies and examples of CVs used with those fields, places to find CV options, CV options available with the Questioning Authority gem, and Hyrax/Hyku specific fields connected to CVs) and considering how we might turn that into a Github repo for collaborative information gathering of all of this as well as CVs from historically marginalized communities.
- Hyrax Metadata Application Profile Documentation Review Working Group
- Nora: Met last month to see where Hyrax 3.0 development was at. One issue marked as a blocker related to alternative title (see below). Group will meet on August 13 to check in.
- Nora: Met last month to see where Hyrax 3.0 development was at. One issue marked as a blocker related to alternative title (see below). Group will meet on August 13 to check in.
- URI Selection Working Group
- Roadmap Council Update (Jen Young)
- no update today
- Issues/Questions
- Alternative title issue: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues/4318
- Developers have backed out of the changes that introduced the alternate_title issue that had become a blocker. This will allow them to move forward with the Hyrax 3.0 release presently.
The issue of managing multiple titles in Hyrax still needs to be addressed but it will be part of a 3.x release after 3.0 is out.
- Developers have backed out of the changes that introduced the alternate_title issue that had become a blocker. This will allow them to move forward with the Hyrax 3.0 release presently.
- Updating default CC licenses to 4.0
- Noted as something to revisit in last month's call
- Anna: Maybe look at this again after 3.0 as well?
- It might be a good goal to have someone from SMIG attend Tech / Hyrax IG calls in order to advocate for these updates in a more visible way
- Alternative title issue: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues/4318
- Topics
- CfP - Samvera Connect 2020 Online
- form for presentations/lightning talks: https://forms.gle/ePDDz7QULdWyfJDS9
- form for workshops: https://forms.gle/Ux6V3BhX7pDca7cd7
- Deadline is coming up fast: 8/16 for workshops and 8/30 for presentations/lightning talks
- Annamarie: would like to see a demo / discussion about how different folks are using linked data and the Questioning Authority gem locally
- Nora volunteered to do a demo about how this is going at Lafayette
- CfP - Samvera Connect 2020 Online
Next Call : August 25, 2020, 3-4pm Eastern
, multiple selections available,
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