Metadata Call 2021-11-23

Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern

Call-In Info:

Community Notes:


Moderator(s): Nora Z.

Notetaker: Anna G.



  • Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)

  • Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette College)

  • Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)

  • Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)

  • Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)

  • Robert Browder (IR Librarian - San Francisco State University)



  • Subgroup Reports

    • URI Selection Working Group

  • Roadmaps Alignment Group Update

    • Heather: At recent meeting, focused on planning for work for those who made a maintenance pledge, and doing a needs analysis for a Samvera technical coordinator - document needs and think about if some of work could be divided up, rotated, contracted out, etc. Find creative solutions.

    • Trying to find ways to encourage more contributors to maintenance work, such as breaking work down into smaller chunks, flexible commitments.  Engaging developers at the sprint level, even 1 or 2 weeks of commitment at a time rather than 6- or 8-months.

  • Issues/Questions

  • Project Sharing

  • Discussion Topics

    • Start 2022 off with an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion roundtable discussion (in planning stages)

    • Developer Congress, November 29th - December 3rd


Next meeting: 1/25, 2-3pm

  • This will be an Roundtable on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion topics in Repository Metadata

  • More info to come, please reach out to the facilitators with any suggestions or input

    ** note there will be no December meeting**