Metadata Call 2023-05-23
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info:
Community Notes:
Moderator(s): Annamarie K.
Notetaker: Nora Z.
@Heather Greer Klein
@Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
@Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette)
@Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
Emma Beck (University of Louisville)
Katharine Van Arsdale (Andrews University)
Still looking for a SMIG co-facilitator
Roadmaps Alignment Group Update
No meeting in April. Not enough on the agenda.
OAI Documentation Working Group Update
Charter sent to community last month
Trying to schedule - lack of availability of members has prevented a meeting from being scheduled so far; Meredith is now on leave and may not be available to collaborate
Will try sharing the charter out in the DLF and Code4Lib listservs to see if any further participants can be brought in
Open Discussion
Valkyrization effort has been a major focus in the community
Partner meeting in March was in-person and much of the talk centered on a two-pronged approach to the Valkyrization effort
August-September UCSD, UCSB, and Princeton will be doing sprints
Fundraising is happening to support SoftServ development “Phase 1” of Valkyrization work in June, on a Hyrax postgres background; goal is $50,000-100,000 to fund five contractors to work on this
Next step will be for it to work in a Fedora 6 backend
The effort is actively looking for folks to help with testing – The Hyrax Maintenance Working Group is the place.
There are now two demo sites set up for testing: Hyrax on Fedora, and Hyrax on postgres. Testing is also now possible on local machines using Docker.
What authorities are popular in the Samvera community?
Lafayette: OCLC FAST in Subject field. Nora has a study in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly soon about this work. Uses Geonames with Location. Use dc:location - not dc:spatial for that. Can also toggle to also use the Getty Thesaurus. But Geonames is better for current places. In Geonames, there is no unified Korea name - just North and South. For that specific example and historic place terms, TGN is preferred. Getty TGN’s API is poor. API does not return well-formed terms. A concern is whether the Questioning Authority gem will be deprecated; someone has stepped up to take over as a product owner. Nora spoke of the great value of the QA gem. Lynette left for GitHub open source. Heather said that QA seems safe and James is looking to the future of it.
OSU: TGN does have a lot of great historical terms, and is great as an OpenRefine reconciliation tool. Would be appealing to be able to toggle between two different authorities. Is that something the Hyku community is looking at?
Louisville: Uses multiple authorities, not exactly sure which ones. Happy to do a demo after going live in the first week of May.
Discussion about how much we all love Bulkrax and wish we could implement it at our repositories
Lack of development staff is the main cause of lack of implementation
In a comparison of Hyku and Hyrax, the rate of feature development in Hyku in the last year has been impressive. Largely the result of contract work on feature requests
Hosted option for Hyku is very attractive when staffing and campus infrastructure are often out of the library’s immediate locus of control
Hyku water cooler - monthly meeting of participating institutions (many PALNI/PALCI)
Emma submitted a proposal for a DLF presentation about open source migrations (since this is her second one). Heather and Julie are considering.
Are there ideas for events, e.g. round table, for SMIG to host?
Some individuals can share their institution’s work with Bulkrax and other Hyrax customizations.
Next month:
@Juliet Hardesty will demo IU’s work with Allinson Flex.
@Anna Goslen and @Rebekah Kati will demo how UNC is using Bulkrax with Hyrax.
Future meeting:
Katharine Van Arsdale can demo how Adventist Digital Library uses Bulkrax with Hyku.
Next meeting: June 27, 2023, 2-3 pm Eastern