OAI Documentation Working Group Call 2023-05-15
Time: May 15, 2023, 2-3 pm Eastern
Call-In Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Community Notes: Samvera OAI Documentation Working Group_Running Notes
Facilitator: @Annamarie Klose
@Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
@Nora Zimmerman(Lafayette)
Christine Peterson (Amigos)
Amanda Hurford (PALNI)
Meeting frequency: Regular meetings on the third Monday of every month from 2-3 pm Eastern until Samvera Connect (October 23-26, 2023).
Documenting common workflows and issues.
Share resources
Amanda agreed that we just need something simpler on the Samvera side about OAI and support for it. Would also like to share examples. Can note the DPLA question and sharing stories about how work was done. Work towards a consistent way of doing it.
Is Knowledge Base still a good place to put this information?
There is concern that the KB (This site has been sunset | Samvera Community Knowledge Base ) is hidden.
Information sharing
Nora noted support for OAI in a config file
Lafayette and OSU use simple Dublin Core for harvesting in Hyrax. The former is trying to also use the OAI feed in Ebsco’s OneSearch. Ebsco only wants to host base Dublin Core. OSU using a standard OAI transformation. The two OAI feeds are configured differently in terms of metadata. Anna said OSU’s OAI mappings were customized for DPLA. Nora noted various harvesting use cases for arranging an OAI feed. She feels it's important to note where and how the OAI feed is customizable. Nora says Lafayette looked to Science History Institute and their developer Jonathan Rochkind (sp?) in terms of