Metadata Call 2016-06-01
Metadata Call 2016-06-01
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
mcmillwh (U. of Cincinnati)
sanderson (BPL)
- carolyn.hansen (U. of Cincinnati)
- Ryan Wick (Oregon State)
- James Griffin (Lafayette College)
- Subgroup reports
- Descriptive Working Group
- Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-05-25 - notes from last meeting
- Reviewed UCSD And UCSB models
- Discussed BIBFRAME Lite and relation to Hydra
- Discussed possible deliverable for Hydra connect
- Should group make recommendation for something like the DPLA as a model for those getting started?
- Could share pain points different groups have in developing tiered model
- Group will determine deliverables at next meeting
- MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
- no recent meeting because of Memorial Day
- next meeting 6/13 at noon EST
- currently working through subjects
- Applied Linked Data Working Group
- met briefly, attendance has been sparse
- linked data fragments will be use din MODS/RDF sample conversion for resolving URIs
- group is moving to monthly meetings
- URI Management Working Group
- URI Management Call 2016-05-31 - notes from last meeting
- finalized survey draft to send out
- want to ask Hydra community about problems looking for predicates and objects
- Discussed developing a decision tree for places to look for predicates
- determining functional requirements
- looking at http://rightsstatements.org/en/, http://schema.org, PCDM as potential models
- next meeting June 14, 3pm EST
- Descriptive Working Group
- Issues/Questions
- none
- Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
- Julie checked with Mike Giarlo about something to use besides dc:relation for keywords in Sufia
- decided not to make any changes to current model
- Julie checked with Mike Giarlo about something to use besides dc:relation for keywords in Sufia
- Additional Items
- Next meeting: June 15, 1pm EST, Bill will facilitat
- Action Items
- none
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