Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-05-25
Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-05-25
Time: 1:00pm EDT / 10:00am PDT
Call-In Info: Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2jey2y5cjcnggkmymxziudmw4a
New Hangout Link: https://hangouts.google.com/call/bat5imirxfdzbkeq23uze2ljzae
Moderator: carolyn.hansen (U. of Cincinnati)
Notetaker: mcmillwh (U. of Cincinnati)
- sanderson (BPL)
- Cat Lu (CHF)
- Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (UCSB)
- Schneider, Juliane [X] (UCSD)
- Corey Harper (NYU)
Agenda: Metadata data modeling
- Review of specific usage questions; see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YnunRMNS9T6j7cgsYFxqMPZoTvyGY-ZofZvdFGAykb8/edit?usp=sharing(updated to spreadsheet)
Note: For background on UCSD/UCSB data modeling, see notes from call: Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-03-02- We previously discussed the challenges associated with pre- and post-coordinated subjects
- The issue of authorities for locations has been challenging for multiple institutions
- usually the location of a publisher is a transcribed field
- it was turned into a controlled field in the DPLA model
- available vocabularies don't support using it in this way
- UCSB has had to come up with work-arounds for this
- CHF has faced this challenge as well
- they are experimenting with a workflow that manually separates publisher and location
- hoping for a triplestore for local authorities
- it was turned into a controlled field in the DPLA model
- usually the location of a publisher is a transcribed field
- Timelines for data model development
- UCSB is doing iterative development
- migrated into Fedora 4 Curation Concerns
- now that it's live, they're looking at bringing it in line with the rest of the community
- when doing initial data model, based it largely on what Oregon was doing and had help from DCE
- CHF is also doing iterative development
- started with Fedora 4
- did the modeling with help from DCE
- Sufia is in beta mode and people are ingesting items
- waiting on Sufia 7
- major holdup is works
- UCSB is doing iterative development
- Potential deliverable related to data modeling for Hydra Connect?
- The document at UCSD is also being used at UCSB - this could be a starting point
- We could highlight how local practices differ from this model
- The idea with the tiered model was to acknowledge that local institutions need customization, but to identify common practices
- The areas where institutions differ may be more helpful than commonalities
- the pain points doc in particular may be helpful to new implementers
- BIBFRAME, BIBFRAME LITE, and Hydra (improving communication, recommendations, etc)
- BIBFRAME Lite is an undertaking of Zepheira
- Can we have people using multiple predicates?
- MODS/RDF group is using BIBFRAME proper
- BIBFRAME development
- moves slowly and in fits and spurts
- can we improve communication between Hydra and LC?
- any way to provide recommendations?
- Use of multiple predicates not likely to cause issues unless Hydra community decides to tackle best practices for metadata
- Hydra dev very agnostic about the metadata used
- Who makes metadata decisions within Hydra dev?
- combination of Sufia devs and Hydra-in-a-Box devs
- whoever in those groups is collaborating on user stories
- combination of Sufia devs and Hydra-in-a-Box devs
- Back to issue of multiple predicates in BIBFRAME Lite
- MODS/RDF group would like to know what's preferred in terms of properties for wider use
- it makes sense to coalesce on a single set of practices
- reasonable to rely on semantic relationships between properties using OWL/RDFS
- BIBFRAME Lite exists to practice applying BIBFRAME to a wider range of materials in a way that might evolve more quickly and with more agility than LC
- It has served standards bodies well to be cautious in development
- Some items in BIBFRAME 2 have been influenced by BIBFRAME Lite
- BIBFRAME Lite is able to work with archives in ways that BIBFRAME is currently unable to
- If the property needed exists in BIBFRAME, use that
- the BIBFRAME property will likely have more widespread support
- If property is not available, use the BIBFRAME Lite property
- Note BIBFRAME Lite properties that are equivalent to DC, schema.org, and BIBFRAME properties
- This muddies the waters and we need to reconsider it
Schema example: http://www.bibfra.me/view/lite/dateBirth/
http://www.bibfra.me/view/lite/subject/ => points to dcterms and bibframe- title only points to dcterms, not to bibframe: http://bibfra.me/view/lite/title/
- Other items
- Next meeting in about 4 weeks
- Action items
- Think about a potential deliverable for Hydra Connect
- We're early in the conversation re: recommendations on BIBFRAME, so keep thinking about that
- When UCSD/UCSB are ready to move forward, we can look at places where BIBFRAME might be of use in their model
By next meeting, MODS/RDF group will have fleshed out prototype ready, so we can review it then
, multiple selections available,
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