Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-01-06

Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-01-06

Time: approx. 1:00pm EDT / 10:00am PDT 

Call-In Info: Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2jey2y5cjcnggkmymxziudmw4a 

Moderator: carolyn.hansen (U of Cincinnati)

Notetaker: mcmillwh (U of Cincinnati)



  1. Metadata application profile tutorial for Hydra (https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/wiki/Dive-into-Hydra)
    1. Discussion of timeline - we'll begin work in mid-February
    2. Scope
      1. rather than best practices or guidelines, this will be a "bonus lesson" to be added onto the Dive into Hydra tutorial
        1. "Lesson - Define metadata complexity levels"
      2. Focus:
        1. using properties from multiple vocabularies
          1. building hierarchical vocabularies
        2. something about controller
        3. looking at the book model (https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/wiki/Lesson---Build-a-book-model-with-RDF), should we demonstrate how additional vocabularies would be layered on top of this?
        4. we could start with the first layer and add the DPLA layer on top of it
          1. the DC layer doesn't address the complexity we would want to address in the tutorial
          2. this is about using other models or namespaces outside of DC
        5. we'll consider what NYU is working on with Ichabod: drawing on additional RDF vocabularies
          1. Ruby RDF-vocab gem: https://github.com/ruby-rdf/rdf-vocab/tree/develop/lib/rdf/vocab
          2. this will allow the use of other vocabularies
          3. if you have an ontology of your RDF vocabulary, there are generators in RDF-vocab that will output an OWL or RDF vocabulary online and generate the vocabulary
  2. Additional items
    1. previous discussion in November re: Carolyn & Julie on developer call
      1. no longer a relevant issue, so the meeting was unnecessary
      2. no need for us to work on blank nodes and (namespaces for?) controlled vocabularies until a use case arises
    2. Need to run this addition to the tutorial by the rest of the community
      1. we're developing an elevator speech
      2. Corey will come back to the group with more details after the NYU hack day and reach out to people in community for feedback

  3. Action items
    1. Corey will report to the group about his findings at NYU hack day and community feedback on our ideas for the lesson
    2. next meeting is February 17th
    3. we'll plan to be available for questions in the first two weeks of February

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