Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-04-13
Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-04-13
Time: 1:00pm EDT / 10:00am PDT
Call-In Info: Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2jey2y5cjcnggkmymxziudmw4a
New Hangout Link: https://hangouts.google.com/call/bat5imirxfdzbkeq23uze2ljzae
Moderator: carolyn.hansen (U. of Cincinnati)
Notetaker: mcmillwh (U. of Cincinnati)
- sanderson (Boston Public Library)
- Arwen Hutt (UCSD)
- Cat Lu (Chemical Heritage Foundation)
- Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her)
- Schneider, Juliane [X](UCSD)
Agenda: Metadata data modeling
- Review of specific usage questions; see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YnunRMNS9T6j7cgsYFxqMPZoTvyGY-ZofZvdFGAykb8/edit?usp=sharing (updated to spreadsheet)
Note: For background on UCSD/UCSB data modeling, see notes from last call: Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-03-02- more institutions have added data to the spreadsheet
- discussion of individual pain points
- Coding of dates in name records
- DPLA and EDM documentation is confusing
- e.g. Coding birth and death dates in an author record, not in the author's name as a string
- if date is uncertain, it can be difficult to conform to NACO standards while keeping it machine-readable
- use case: UCSD has local records that don't have external author records, but they'd like to be able to describe the relationship between agents and not have the date as a string in the author's name
- Boston Public is using schema:birthDate and schema:deathDate when the date is machine-parseable
- it only made sense to break it out into a separate record if a machine could use it
- Handling of corporate names with subordinate units (e.g. |a University of Cincinnati |b Libraries)
- has anyone come up with a solution where there is a URI for the corporate name, but not the corporate name and subordinate unit?
- if a URI exists only for |a, are you using only that URI?
- at UCSB, if the full name heading isn't established in the NACO authority file, it's treated as a local name
- the hope is to get the local names into the national file and use that URI
- this presents challenges for harvesting MARC records
- Geographic subdivisions
- different headings referring to the same place are appearing because of this
- in MARC: Santa Barbara (Calif.)
- in LD: California – Santa Barbara
- talk of implementing FAST in MARC records to aid ingest into repository
- will also aid in discovery layer using facets
- Are you making curatorial decisions?
- for some records if you broke them out, the context would be lost
- UCSD: we've identified the master record for digital objects.
- in some cases, it's the MARC record
- these are harvested and there's a mapping that breaks the headings out, so they're stored as facets, not as a pre-coordinated string
- in other cases, the master record is in the repository
- these don't use pre coordinated headings,
- if in the past they had pre-coordinated headings, the equivalents are substituted
- in some cases, it's the MARC record
- the larger trend is moving away from complex, pre-coordinated headings towards more faceted, almost indexing terms
- pre-coordinated headings are very precise, but were meant for card catalogs
- UCSD is going through a process to convert headings in their digital repo
- for DAMS, they did a pilot of conversion and looked for loss of meaning when breaking into facets
- matched them to FAST headings, so more of a conversion than a deconstruction
- FAST seems to keep things together that need to be together - there are still hyphens
- Considered going to curators (esp. for large subject areas) to make sure meaning is not lost in the conversion to FAST
- ongoing harvest from MARC - the records from OCLC have FAST in them and we're hoping to use those to ingest items from MARC
- may not help with rare materials
- The geographic headings were terrible in FAST, so another vocab might be used
- finding a vocabulary that's consistent in coverage is hard
- FAST headings had good human-readable labels, but the underlying URIs for the concepts were inconsistent - TGN seems better
- UCSB talked about retaining LC labels for geographic, but they're using Open GeoNames to provide back-end info
- Problems with countries - terms for entities that no longer exist?
- Open GeoNames handles historic names
historic names are there, but that they are not handled very well. For example, some only have a point coordinate (not bounding boxes) and others don’t exist. Some like Istanbul/Constantinople have historic names attached to the current record (which does include a bounding box)
- TGN and LC have them
- Open GeoNames handles historic names
- different headings referring to the same place are appearing because of this
- has anyone come up with a solution where there is a URI for the corporate name, but not the corporate name and subordinate unit?
- Other items?
- none
- Next steps (do we have a project deliverable?)
- Continue adding to the spreadsheet
- at the next meeting, we'll discuss the divergence between BIBFRAME and Hydra - how can we bring them back together?
, multiple selections available,
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