Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-02-17
Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-02-17
ime: approx. 1:00pm EDT / 10:00am PDT
Call-In Info: Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2jey2y5cjcnggkmymxziudmw4a
Moderator: carolyn.hansen (U of Cincinnati)
Notetaker: mcmillwh (U of Cincinnati)
- Corey Harper (NYU)
- Cat Lu (Chemical Heritage Foundation)
- Metadata application profile tutorial for Hydra (https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/wiki/Dive-into-Hydra)
- Report from Corey Harper of NYU activity
- Work at NYU dealt with thinking more carefully about namespaces from RDF vocabularies
- how to avoid defining vocabularies in so many places in the app
- there is a Tame your RDF Metadata with ActiveFedora chapter as part of the Dive into Hydra tutorial that is similar to what Corey envisioned
- is this current?
- some parts only work with Fedora 7
- could we work with members of the community to bring this up-to-date?
- is this current?
- Work at NYU dealt with thinking more carefully about namespaces from RDF vocabularies
- Scope (do we still want to do this? do folks have the bandwidth?)
- If we don't have a use case for this, we may want to go on hiatus
- We could also put it up for a vote: should we pursue this?
- Report from Corey Harper of NYU activity
Permissions (if we want to do this, is there anyone we need to run this by?)
- Carolyn will put together an email with ideas and send it to the group
- we may just have a call for agenda items and not plan to meet if there are no items
- user stories, survey and what was presented at HydraConnect
- we should make a concerted effort to look at those and pull use cases out of them
Action Items
- We will cancel the meeting for 2 weeks out, then work over email
- Carolyn will send out email regarding next meeting