Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-03-16
Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-03-16
Time: 1:00pm EDT / 10:00am PDT
Call-In Info: Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2jey2y5cjcnggkmymxziudmw4a
New Hangout Link: https://hangouts.google.com/call/bat5imirxfdzbkeq23uze2ljzae
*Please note: We had some technical difficulties. Apologies if you were unable to join. There is now a new meeting link.
Moderator: mcmillwh (Univ of Cincinnati)
- sanderson (Boston Public Library)
- Corey Harper (NYU)
- Arwen Hutt (UCSD)
- Cat Lu (Chemical Heritage Foundation)
- Greg Reser (UCSD)
- Schneider, Juliane [X](UCSD)
Agenda:Metadata data modeling
- Review of specific usage questions; see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YnunRMNS9T6j7cgsYFxqMPZoTvyGY-ZofZvdFGAykb8/edit?usp=sharing (updated to spreadsheet)
Note: For background on UCSD/UCSB data modeling, see notes from last call: Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-03-02- We decided a spreadsheet would be used to collect initial info on pain points in data models
- Each issue will have a row and each institution will be a column and can use that space to indicate how they are addressing the issue
- column B is for the properties/predicates/fields referred to or related to the issue in column A
- e.g. Modeling dates is the issue and the related properties/predicates/fields column could indicate whether this refers to temporal coverage or date information related to events
- See http://perio.do/
- See http://perio.do/
- e.g. Modeling dates is the issue and the related properties/predicates/fields column could indicate whether this refers to temporal coverage or date information related to events
- Over this week and the next we'll start looking at the spreadsheet
- Timeline for intellectual development of data model (can be very vague; is this a 2 month, 6 month activity, etc.)
- We're still in exploratory stages and pain point discussions will let us know if there is value in developing a model
- regardless of the actual deliverable of this endeavor, we can plan on a presentation at the October HydraConnect
- may just be a breakout session or proposal to discuss our findings
- We need to see what comes of our current work in order to determine what the end product of our work will be
- This will enable us to establish a rough timeline
- Other items?
- Corey noticed that the UCSD model has a lot of BIBFRAME in it
- there are also some thing BIBFRAME might be able to cover, but is not currently
- experimenting with profiles and extensions to BIBFRAME
- e.g. Defines a set of archival material classes and properties as well as other sub-categories
- developing in parallel tracks to LoC BIBFRAME
- they're interested in gaps that might be relevant to the Hydra community
- Corey will share the UCSD model (noting that it's a work in progress) with Zepheira and bring their feedback to our next meeting
- The next meeting will be on 3/30/2016 at 1pm EST
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