Metadata Call 2015-05-20

Metadata Call 2015-05-20

Time: 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: Karen Estlund (Univ. Oregon)

Notetaker: Justin Simpson (Artefactual)



  1. Subgroup Reports
    1. Technical Metadata Subgroup
    2. Applied Linked Data Subgroup
    3. Rights Metadata Subgroup
  2. Issues / Questions
  3. Starting up additional subgroups post-PCDM sprint
    1. Descriptive Subgroup (Carolyn Hansen to facilitate)
      1. First call was last week
      2. Scope ?s: all of hydra implementations = too broad
      3. Developing a survey
      4. Best practices will flow from survey
      5. Additional ?s from Sufia Sprint to be addressed
    2. Structural Subgroup 
      1. Need facilitator
      2. Additional participation notice
  4. Additional Items
  5. Action Items



  1. Subgroup Reports
    1. Technical Metadata Subgroup
      Some decisions about how to handle system properties were made,
      - use ebucore dates for system properties,
      - label vs use properties - addressed by PCDM PR#7

       Some of the technical metadata properties in Fedora will be included in next release in a month or so

      There is still discussion to have about a proposal from Former user (Deleted) about handling the relationship between 'archival objects' and fits output

      Action Items:

      1. list of tools on tech md subgroup page - link to it from main metadata page.
      2. discuss Aaron's idea more, in one last tech md subgroup call next week

    2. Applied Linked Data Subgroup
      Finalized dates for a linked data fragments sprint June 8 - June 19, 2015
      The first week of this sprint overlaps with Open Repositories conference in Indianapolis, anyone interested in working on linked data fragments at OR should contact sanderson
      activeFedora - there is an issue dealing with Solr, to allow atomic updates of individual properties - likely this will be looked at during the linked data fragment sprint
      Next call is May 28, 2015 at 9am PDT
      Still to discuss: how to integrate ld fragments with sidecar triplestore, how to a messaging driven way of updating Solr when sidecar triplestore is updated (vocabularies change)


    3. Rights Metadata Subgroup
      met two weeks ago - made a start on agreed list of predicates
      next meeting is immediately after this call

      Action Item:
      for larger group: review rights metadata page to see work in progress, comment

  2.  new groups, post PCDM:
    1.  Descriptive Subgroup
      chaired by Carolyn Hansen 
      decided to develop user stories describing use of descriptive metadata
      not sure what the scope should be - how detailed should the user stories be

      Karen suggested that detailed user stories are not necessarily out of scope

      perhaps collect in survey, decide whether or not to include in final set of user stories and therefore recommended best practices depending on demand/need.

      Should user stories be collected from hydra implementors, or end users

      Karen suggests it is more of a focus on implementors.

      Corey suggested reaching out to hydra ux group and have a joint meeting, to find out if there are metadata elements needed by ux group that are missing.
      one goal is to develop a set of best practices - perhaps DPLA Application Profile style, with the understanding that not all implementations will need the same levels of detail.
      question around file level metadata - is this an area for descriptive or technical metadata?

      Sufia has an intermediate pcdm object, that wraps up all the files related to that object - extracted text, access copy, etc. 

      Might want to augment file use vocabulary to capture relation between file and parent object?

      Suggestion to keep file level stuff out of descriptive metadata subgroup, to help avoid overloading this subgroup with extra deliverables.

    2. Structural subgroup 
      good time to start on this post sufia sprint -
      this is a new group - call for members - looking for a facilitator - Karen will coordinate.

      perhaps wait until after rights subgroup to serialize the work a bit?

      Given active development going on (penn state, princeton) it might be good to put a call out and if there is not alot of uptake, that might be a sign to delay starting.

      Action Item:
      kestlund to post a call for members and a facilitator to the hydra list.


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