Metadata Call 2015-05-06

Metadata Call 2015-05-06

Time: 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: Karen Estlund (Univ. Oregon)

Notetaker: Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)


  • Karen Estlund, U of Oregon

  • Esme Cowles, UC San Diego
  • Julie Hardesty, Indiana University
  • Steven Anderson, Boston Public Library
  • Danny Pucci, Boston Public Library
  • Aaron Coburn, Amherst College
  • Corey Harper, New York University
  • Andy Weidner, U of Houston
  • Andrew Woods, Duraspace
  • Arwen Hutt, UC San Diego
  • Nick Ruest, York University
  • Carolyn Hansen, U of Cincinnati


  1. Subgroup Reports
    1. Technical Metadata Subgroup
      1. Aaron Coburn reporting
      2. Technical Metadata Application Profile - baseline technical properties defined for all media types
      3. Uses ebucore - extensive vocabulary for several different types of media (image, video, audio, etc)
      4. Similar to technical profile from Europeana (docx available on Technical Metadata Subgroup page under Resources)
      5. Will ask for feedback from Sufia PCDM Sprint
      6. use vs label property - use might be out of scope if covering structural metadata (relationships between files); more useful to have controlled vocabulary; possible properties from Europeana (isDerivativeOf, WebResource); if label is really describing use, change from rdfs:label so that it isn’t a string
        1. Sometimes derivatives are masters also
      7. Send out technical profile recommendation for feedback; note question about use property but might be structural question; Esme can put together list of URIs for discussion (in structural metadata group?)
    2. Applied Linked Data Subgroup
      1. Steven Anderson reporting
      2. Moved meeting date/time due to conflict (Thursdays, noon ET, starting May 14)
      3. Linked Data Fragments sprint - get experimental codebase up and running - looking at June dates but having hard time finding availability for everyone; finalize sprint date at May 14 meeting
      4. Updating references in Solr - 3 options proposed, leaning towards Option 3 which is detailed in notes from 2015-04-29 call
      5. In order to update references in Solr, doing this normally through ActiveFedora it would take lots of time for full Solr update - want atomic updates in Solr to update only that record for an object; to do this have to use stored fields; created ActiveFedora issue to remove non-stored fields from schema.xml for Solr so new users are encouraged to not used non-stored fields; current users would not be affected (#778 - Stored Solr Fields as Recommendation)
      6. Detailed notes on 2015-04-29 call cover all of this, including scheduling Linked Data Fragments Sprint
      7. Bring up ActiveFedora issue at next Hydra Tech call
      8. Would like feedback on all of this
    3. Rights Metadata Subgroup
      1. Esme Cowles reporting
      2. First meeting - talked through proposal (Oregon approach) and metadata issues surrounding
      3. Would like to start on predicates to use if meeting today occurs
  2. Issues / Questions
    1. Referring to a segment of a file, see https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-works/issues/34
      1. Came up in first round of data model discussions
      2. Relevant to Avalon
      3. Add to outcomes for structural metadata group
    2. Linking between files to indicate relationships (derived from, metadata describing, etc.).  Should this be taken up by the Technical Metadata subgroup?
      1. Already discussed - move it over to structural metadata group
  3. Additional Items
    1. none
  4. Action Items
    1. Feedback for technical metadata needed
    2. Structural metadata action items forming up
    3. Applied linked data feedback needed
      1. Bring up ActiveFedora issue in Hydra Tech call 

Meeting Notes:


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