Samvera Digital Preservation Interest Group
Bill Branan
Richard Green
Scope & Objectives
The creation of the Samvera Digital Preservation Group (DPG) is based on the discussion at the Hydra Power Steering meeting at Stanford April 2014. For more information see "Section Digital Preservation & Alliances - Tom (after a conversation with Ed)" on this wiki page. The following topics were raised:
- Is digital preservation and object durability a compelling Hydra functionality, and something we want to invest in?
- Does the Hydra architecture, and push towards gemification, offer the potential to plug in OPF or other preservation tools and utilities as standard, modular components?
- How can the answers to the above inform Fedora 4 development, and how Hydra leverages and influences its direction?
- Specifically, might OPF Hackathons provide fertile ground for finding Hydra adopters in Europe? Might Hydra events in the US provide a channel for airing and use of OPF digital preservation tools and utilities?
- More generally, do synergies with OPF suggest that for the next phase of Hydra development the project would be well served by trying to cultivate alliances or sister-organizations / projects? If so, which organizations, and what form might those alliances take?
See this wiki page for discussion and suggested answers to the above questions.
- Please insert your comments and suggestions on the wiki page.
Based on the discussions the following actions were agreed
- Set up a Digital Preservation Group (DPG)
- Anders Sparre Conrad from The Royal Library, Conpenhagen (KB-DK) should find a chair person
- Group should
- Make a list of preservation functionality available through Hydra
- Exchange of experiences/needs for Digital Preservation.
- Investigate how Digial Preservation can be part of the Hydra architecture.
- Drive integraton between Hydra and external tools for Digital Preservation purposes.
- Get involved in Digital Preservation communities such as Open Planets Foundation
Meeting Times & Communication Channels
The group will primarily use the hydra-community mailing list for communication.
Conference calls use Skype. Call skype name
Regular meeting schedule is the second Thursday of each month.
- Chair: Christen Hedegaard (Royal Library of Denmark)
- Claus Jensen (Royal Library of Denmark)
- Michael Friscia (Yale University)
- Mike Giarlo (Penn State University)
- Stefan Enabli (Northwestern University)
- Linda Newman (University of Cincinnati)
- Heidi Dowding (Indiana University)
- Chris Awre (University of Hull)
- Umar Qasim (University of Alberta)
- Margaret Peachy (Tufts University)
- your name here (your institution here)
Proposed Working Groups
Following the Hydra Connect 2015 breakout session on Hydra and digital preservation, the following areas of work were proposed. These are presented as proposed working groups initiated through this Interest Group. Feedback is welcome. Once confirmed, a call for participation will be sent out.
- Hydra Premis Working Group
- Hydra PCDM and Digital Preservation Working Group
- Hydra Preservation Actions Working Group
- Charter for DPG
- Hydra DPG interest in Digital Preservation
- Tasklist
- Meeting- and communication plan
- Presentations
- Hydra Connect 2015 breakout group discussion
- Open Planets Foundation
- Analysis of Current Digital Preservation Policies: Archives, Libraries and Museums
Meeting Notes
- September 13th 2016, Conference call
- August 4'th 2016, Conference call
- July, 2016 conference call - Canceled
- June 21'st 2016 Conference call
- May 10th 2016 Conference call
- April 12th 2016 Conference call - Canceled
- March 15th 2016 Conference call
- February 11th 2016 Conference call
- January 14th, 2016 Conference call - Canceled
- December 10. 2015 Conference call - Canceled
- November 12, 2015 Conference call
- October 8, 2015 Conference call
- September 10, 2015 Skype call
- August 13, 2015 Skype call
- July Skype call is cancelled
- June 18, 2015 Skype call
- May 21, 2015 Skype call
- April 9. 2015 Skype call
- March 12, 2015 Skype call
- January 8, 2015 Skype call
- December 11, 2014 Skype Conference
- November 6, 2014 Skype Conference
- October 3rd, 2014 Agenda Hydra Connect 2
- June 11th, 2014 Agenda Open Repositories, Helsinki