Minutes Hydra DPIG conference call August 2016

Minutes Hydra DPIG conference call August 2016

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll call and additional agenda items
    1. Attendees: Heidi Dowding (Indiana University), Margaret Peachy (Tufts), Simone Sacchi, Chris Awre (University of Hull), Steven Mg, Nick Krabbenhoeft (NYPL), Christen Hedegaard (The Royal Library), Claus Jensen (The Royal Library)
    2. Moderator: Christen Hedegaard
    3. Notetaker: Claus Jensen
  2. Any comments to the minutes from last Skype conference meeting.
    1. No comments.
  3. Status of Work Groups (Chris Awre)

  4. Ongoing Digital Preservation activities
    1. No new information on ongoing activities.
  5. Any input from the Virtual Hydra Connect July 7 2016
    1. None of the meeting participants had information from Virtual Hydra Connect July 7 2016.

  6. Next Meeting?
    1. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month
    2. September the 13th
  7. Any Other Business