Hydra Premis Working Group

Hydra Premis Working Group

Scope & Objectives

A lot of the discussion at the Hydra Connect 2015 digital preservation breakout group centred around a shared desire and intention to make use of Premis in some form or other.  In the light of the release of the Premis 3.0 data dictionary, it is timely to consider how Hydra might make the best use of Premis and highlight steps to support institutions in making the best use of Premis.  It is NOT intended that this group make recommendations on which parts of Premis should be adopted, as this may vary according to local digital preservation practice.  The scope of the Group will be to focus its attention on the mechanisms that need to be addressed for enabling the use of Premis within Hydra.  Its objectives will thus be:

  • To consider mechanisms by which Premis metadata can be managed through Hydra
  • To highlight how such use might differ for different parts of the Premis data dictionary 
  • To make recommendations for Hydra developments that would be required or beneficial to support such management

Deliverables & Timeframe

The deliverables for the Working Group will be as follows:

  • Information on different parts of the Premis data dictionary and proposals for how Hydra could be used to cover these
  • A set of recommendations for technical development to enable Hydra to cover the proposals outlined

Information will be shared via the Hydra wiki.  The timeline for the Group is to be confirmed.

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Email communication will take place using established email lists, hydra-community and hydra-tech.  The Group will also arrange telephone/Skype calls in accordance with the agreed timeframe.

When using a shared channel, emails should start the subject line with premis.  


Note that Working Groups must have participants from three different Partners, and that all members of a WG must be licensed Hydra contributors, with the appropriate CLAs in place. 

  • facilitator's name herefacilitator (facilitator's institution here)
  • Emily Porter (Emory University)
  • Elizabeth Roke (Emory University)
  • Aaron Elkiss (University of Michigan)


Meeting Notes

  • list of links
  • or table of meeting notes