Hydra DPG interest in Digital Preservation

Hydra DPG interest in Digital Preservation

Digital preservation of interest for DPG

  1. Policy and strategy
    1. LOC analyse .
  2. Cost
    1. 4C
    2. CNI/CDL Cost model
    3. Princeton Cost Model...
  3. Preservation planning
    1. Plato
  4. Preservation tools (Characterisation, validation, normalization....)
    1. COPTR.
  5. Metadata
    1. PREMIS
      1. PREMIS at KBDK
    2. METS
  6. Packing format for storage
    1. Package Formats for Preserved Digital Material (page 54) 

  7. Digital preservation based on risk management
    1. Level of bit safety
    2. Level of confidentiality
    3. Level of functional/logical strategy (migration, emulation, technical) 
  8. Trusted Digital Repositories
    1. TRAC and TDR checklist