Hydra DPIG conference call June 2016

Hydra DPIG conference call June 2016

Date/Time: June Tuesday 21, 2016 @ 09:00 AM PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 BST, 18:00 CEST

Adobe Connect call :

Attendees: Please test connection to the Adobe Connect conference room

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll call and additional agenda items
    1. Moderator: Proposal: Christen Hedegaard
    2. Notetaker: Proposal Claus Jensen
  2. Any comments to the minutes from last Skype conference meeting.
  3. Status of Work Groups (Chris Awre)

  4. Ongoing Digital Preservation activities
  5. Virtual Hydra Connect July 7 2016
  6. Any preservation highlights from Open Repositoties 2016?
  7. Next Meeting?
    1. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month
    2. Proposal: August the 11th
  8. Any Other Business