Hydra DPIG conference call February 2016

Hydra DPIG conference call February 2016

Date/Time: February Thursday 11, 2016 @ 9:00 AM PST, 12:00 Noon EST, 17:00 GMT, 18:00 CET

Adobe Connect call :

Alternative if Adobe Connect fails: Christen Hedegaard will initiate a Skype conference call from Skype name christen.hedegaard.kb

Attendees: Please test connection to the Adobe Connect conference room

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll call and additional agenda items
    1. Moderator: Proposal: Christen Hedegaard
    2. Notetaker: Proposal Claus Jensen
  2. Any comments to the minutes from last Skype conference meeting.
  3. Discussion / confirmation of the Work Group charters based on the following topics from the Hydra connect meeting (Chris Awre)

    • See WG proposals on Hydra DPIG homepage (just below Members list)
    • Talk about Premis and the events we would want to see defined in Hydra
    • It’s connection with PCDM and to make sure that PCDM can take into account digital preservation needs
    • Finding the common actions and assessing at what layers those actions could be run. That would help decide where in the service those actions should rest.
    • For those that are considering Hydra it would be helpful to be able to articulate how Hydra can help with satisfying digital preservation needs
    • Performing a gap analysis and creating a list of functional requirements for preservation needs and perhaps identifying costs.  The LIFE cost model could be used for this.
    • Share screen shots of systems in development
  4. Ongoing Digital Preservation activities
    1. JISC phase 2 project report for Research Data Spring project "Filling the Digital Preservation Gap" (Chris Awre)
  5. Next Meeting?
    1. Proposal: March the 10th
  6. Any Other Business