Minutes Hydra DPIG conference call September 2016

Minutes Hydra DPIG conference call September 2016

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll call and additional agenda items
    1. Attendees: Heidi Dowding and Julia (Indiana University), Linda Newman (University of Cincinnati), Nik Dragovic (Emory University), Christen Hedegaard (The Royal Library))
    2. Moderator:  Christen Hedegaard
    3. Notetaker: Christen Hewdegaard
  2. Any comments to the minutes from last conference meeting.
    1. No comments
  3. Status of Work Groups (Chris Awre)

  4. PCDM discussion
    1. Presentation Nick
      1. It was not possible for Nick to participate in the conference call 
    2. Presentation Heidi
      1. Heidi and Julia gave a presentation of their work with the PCDM model using following sketch
        1. https://wiki.dlib.indiana.edu/display/HD2/HydraDAM2+Data+Model 
      2. Even though it has been a hard process to create the HydraDAM2 datamodel they have implemented a priliminary User Interface.
    3. Other input
      1. No other input 
    4. How to relate the PCDM model to preservation activities
      1. No input for this issue 
    5. Any updates to the scope of the Hydra PCDM and Digital Preservation Working Group
      1. No update
  5. Ongoing Digital Preservation activities
    1. No ongoing digital preservation activities were discussed
  6. Hydra connect 2016 
    1. Who is going to Hydra Connect?
      1. Only two participants in the call are going to the Hydra Connect meeting
    2. Anyone interested in an Unconference session?
      1. No immediate interest
      2. If there is any interest please contact Chris Awre or Christen Hedegaard
      3. As Christen is not going to the Hydra Connect meeting please raise your hand if would like to be the facilitator for this unconference session.
    3. Who will do the presentation of the Hydra DPIG activities?
      1. There was no volunteer to give a speech
  7. Next Meeting?
    1. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month
    2. Proposal: October the 11th
    3. OK
  8. Any Other Business