Minutes DPG Skype conference August 2015

Minutes DPG Skype conference August 2015

Date/Time: August Thursday 13, 2015 @ 9:00 AM PDT, 12:00 Noon EST, 17:00 GMT, 18:00 CET

Attendees: Please add Skype name christen.hedegaard.kb to your contact list

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll call and additional agenda items
    1. Attendees: Linda Newman, Wendy Hagenmaier, Heidi Dowding, Julie Allinson, Jenny Mitcham, Danielle K. Mericle, Uma Qasim, William G. Cowan, Sarah Walden, Coutney  C.  Mumma, Christen Hedegaard, Claus Jensen
    2. Moderator: Christen Hedegaard
    3. Notetaker: Claus Jensen
  2. Any comments to the minutes from last Skype conference meeting.
    1. No comments

  3. Presentation of the final report from the JISC project "Exploring Archivematica for research data preservation" (Jenny Mitcham, University of York)
    1.  After some technical problems with Skype Jenny gave her presentation on the result of the JISC project.  A blog about the project can be found here: http://digital-archiving.blogspot.co.uk/  
  4. Hydra Connect meeting: 5 minute slot during the conference to report back on the Hydra Preservation Interest Group’s activities
    1. Ideas for presentation issues?
      1. Christen will make a presentation proposal for the next meeting.
  5. Discussion of the Scope & Objectives for the Hydra Digital Preservation Interest Group.
  6. Ongoing Digital Preservation activities
    1. University of Hull
    2. The Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark:
    3. <Please insert:> Name of institution: Activity
  7. Next Meeting
    1. September the 10th
      1. Review of the presentation on the Hydra Connect meeting
  8. Any Other Business
    1. None