Metadata Call 2015-06-17

Metadata Call 2015-06-17

Time: 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: sanderson (Boston Public Lib)

Notetaker: Justin Simpson (Artefactual Systems)



  1. Subgroup Reports
    1. Technical Metadata Subgroup
    2. Applied Linked Data Subgroup
    3. Rights Metadata Subgroup
    4. Descriptive Subgroup
  2. Issues / Questions
  3. MODS
  4. HydraConnect 2015 Program (note: kestlund on Program Committee)
    1. Working groups will have report outs in some format TBD
    2. Do you want a metadata discussion group session or a workshop? (final topic suggestion list)
  5. Additional Items
  6. Action Items


  1. Subgroup Reports
    1. no Technical metadata subgroup report
    2. Applied Linked Data 
      started a sprint on linked data fragments 
      some discussion happened at OR as well as a presentation in ideas challenge  
      next meeting is next Thursday noon est

    3. Rights Metadata - no report
    4. Descriptive Metadata
      a report is being sent to Karenwork started on a survey, which should be distributed later in June.
      next scheduled meeting on wed june 24 at 10am
  2. No new issues or questions
  3. MODS

    Steven explained there is a need at Boston Public Library to work on converting existing MODS metadata to rdf.
    This need is shared by a number of institutions, included Amherst, University of Maryland, others
    Aaron pointed out that MODS will not go away, there is a need to develop two way mappings, eg. BPL harvests metadata from Amherst via OAI-PMH, including MODS.

    Steven and Aaron and a couple others are working on a group to map mods to rdf
    Nick Ruest pointed out as a possible interested party, and others in Islandora Community
    UCSB is separately working on this kind of conversion
    UCSD has their own solution - to convert mods to rdf, and other conversions - willing to share code, but it is tied to a very complex data model, that they are trying to simplify
    Suggestions made to try and wait for report from descriptive metadata subgroup, on the results of their survey, which should be relevant to this topic
    mods to rdf topic will be raised at next descriptive metadata subgroup meeting
  4. HydraConnect 2015
    Desire to try and have representatives from each subgroup talk about their subgroups work at HydraConnect - not sure exactly who from each group will be there
    Technical metadata group will try to find a rep, others encouraged to do so also.

  5. Additional Topics
    Rebecca reported on work at WGBH around converting pbcore xml to ebucore rdf.
    WGBH is working on a mapping, will send github link around
    WGBH and Indiana University have a 1 year research grant to move existing av technical metadata into fedora4
    They are working on the mapping first, over the next few weeks, with members of the ebucore team
    Next step is to work on a tool to capture new metadata in rdf
    will be working on conversion tools later, to convert pbcore to ebucore.

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