Descriptive Metadata Call 2015-10-14

Descriptive Metadata Call 2015-10-14

Time: 1pm EDT / 10am PDT

Call-In Info: Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2jey2y5cjcnggkmymxziudmw4a 

Moderator: Bill McMillin

Notetaker: Gretchen Gueguen

Attendees: (oops! sorry forgot to capture this. Please edit!)



  1. Best Practices for Descriptive Metadata
    1.  Discussion of proposed base/if applicable elements (seehttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f8xWc1kLX2hkP3WwAp1rIGHLvqovFFJoqIb9iBf29oo/edit?usp=sharing)
      1.  Is Identifier in reference to anything specific? “Identifier” in and of itself is kind of vague. Naturally, an item needs to have an identifier within a system, the issue comes when lots of different identifiers are put in the same element
      2.  Maybe we need definitions of this and other elements as part of this recommendation.
      3.  Since the main creator of the elements isn’t here (Carolyn) we should table this for a future meeting.
      4.  Everyone should take a look at the document comment/revise
  2.  MODS To RDF update
    1.  Working on mods:title to rdf format translation code
    2.  Hopefully done by next call on Monday
    3.  Finished discussion on mods:name to rdf format, will also discuss at call on Monday
    4.  Next element will be <typeofresource>
    5.  Setting up Fedora4 instance to be able to show what the transformation looks like
    6.  Detailed notes are available
  3.  Other items?
    1.  How many are going to DLF and will we adjust this meeting for the 28th?
      1.  Bill will talk to Carolyn about this.