Metadata Call 2016-09-21
Metadata Call 2016-09-21
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Moderator: sanderson (BPL)
Notetaker: Corey Harper (NYU)
Attendees: sanderson (BPL), Corey Harper (NYU), Arwen Hutt (UCSD), Alicia Morris (Tufts), Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (UCSB)
- Subgroup Reports
- Descriptive Working Group
- No recent meeting
- MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
- Reviewed access description from rights working group
- Predominately EDM rights with URI & DC Rights for anything else, including clarifying text
- Not always supporting rightsholder, but will support if it exists
- Will be sending out another poll today or tomorrow for remaining issues with collab doc
- eg. dcterms spatial with URI, as example. Geo Concerns will be using string labels. This would be a conflict. How to handle?
- Final set of institutional mappings for remaining elements in 4 weeks.
- This will be followed by final review, at which point mapping should be complete
- Applied Linked Data Working Group
- No recent meeting.
- Email about interest in meeting. Haven't heard back.
- Unsure when we'll meet next
- David Lacy & Corey Harper will both help with the workshop
- URI Management Working Group
- Notes available on wiki
- Predicate decision tree document that people have been commenting on
- Discussion of URI patterns to be used for those predicates
- Descriptive Working Group
- Issues/Questions
- None
- Additional items
- Hydra Connect 2016 HMIG Meeting agenda
- Thursday, Oct 6, 2-3pm Eastern
- Comments on agenda?
- Is it worth explicitly discussing sunsetting?
- Why the limited participation?
- Too much else going on in the community
- Other things that we're waiting on, such as DPLA decisions re: metadata, etc
- Consensus on this call is that a Metadata Interest Group is still of importance
- Changing frequency & focus could be helpful
- Hydra Connect 2016 HMIG Meeting agenda
- Action Item
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