Metadata Call 2016-07-13

Metadata Call 2016-07-13

Time: 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST

Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025 

Moderator:  carolyn.hansen (University of Cincinnati)
mcmillwh (University of Cincinnati)

  1. Subgroup Reports
    1. Descriptive Working Group
      1. next meeting scheduled for 7/20
      2. need to determine if this group would like a time to meet at HydraConnect
    2. MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
      1. notes from last meeting:  MODS and RDF Call 2016-07-11
      2. sent out a poll on identifiers with 3 options for identifiers as objects
        1. received 11 responses
        2. option 2 was the winner, using predicates from http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/identifiers vocabulary.
        3. option 2 will be implemented in sample conversion application for identifier mapping
      3. Discussed a HydraConnect talk proposal
      4. Going to send out another poll for best predicates to use for representing where an item is stored
    3. Applied Linked Data Working Group
      1. did not meet recently
      2. submitted a talk for HydraConnect
      3. next meeting 7/14/16
    4. URI Management Working Group
      1. notes from last meeting:  URI Management Call 2016-07-12
      2. survey closed with 18 responses - have not been analyzed yet
      3. still working on predicate decision tree
      4. discussed use of opaquenamespace and the MODS and RDF proposal
      5. next meeting in 2 weeks
  2. Issues/Questions
    1. Do any working groups need time for meeting at Hydra Connect 2016? Conveners/facilitators can contact hydra-connect@googlegroups.com to request meeting time. Details below regarding request (HMIG needs to figure this out as well).
  3. Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
    1. No changes since April, so nothing to review
  4. Additional items
    1. Update on Sufia/PCDM investigation
      1. Julie emailed Mike Giarlo re: Sufia dev team member who might be able to join future HMIG meeting to discuss PCDM implementation
      2. Nothing found yet for a Sufia 7 vagrant install that would be easy to spin up and see PCDM applied to Fedora objects
        1. https://github.com/projecthydra/sufia is available with installation instructions but Julie hasn't had time to try that out
        2. Julie does have access to a firewall-ed Sufia 7 test install at IU and has tried some things and become confused (yay!) - she would love to share her desktop and show you all what she is seeing and talk it through with other Hydra/metadata folks - is there interest in a Google Hangout?
          1. Yes, there is interest.
    2. Meeting space/time at Hydra Connect 2016 in Boston (Oct. 3-6)
      1. From the Program Committee: "
        Based on feedback from last year’s Hydra Connect, the Program Committee for this year’s event are minded to have distinct blocks of time for unconference sessions on the one hand and WG/IG meetings on the other.  It is likely that the WG/IG meetings would follow the unconference time so that newcomers to Hydra could sensibly leave after the unconference block if they have not yet developed an interest in WG/IG work.

        In order to help scheduling, please will each active WG/IG convenor email us at hydra-...@googlegroups.com to indicate whether or not their group wants a meeting and, if so, how long they would like (0, 1, 2 or 3 hours – bear in mind that the longer you ask for, the more difficult it will be to accommodate).  Likely you will want to discuss this on your next call.  The Program Committee will do their best to accommodate these requests but make no promises!"

      2. Julie thinks we should ask for some time (1 hour is probably long enough) but what do others think? We could discuss what has been learned about PCDM at Hydra Connect and any goals for the next year. We could also discuss/meet whoever might be taking over as new HMIG facilitator?  (smile)
  5. Action Items
    1. Groups will report back on need for time at HydraConnect

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