Hydra Connect 2016
What is Hydra Connect?
Hydra Connect (hashtag #HydraConnect) is a chance for Hydra Project participants to gather in one place at one time, with an emphasis on synchronizing efforts, technical development, plans, and community links. The meeting program is aimed at existing users, managers and developers and at new folks who may be just "kicking the tires" on Hydra and who want to know more. Hydra advertises this yearly conference with the slogan "as a Hydra Partner or user, if you can only make it to one Hydra meeting this academic year, this is the one to attend!"
This year the official conference days are Monday October 3rd - Thursday October 6th 2016 and it will primarily be held at the Boston Public Library (700 Boylston St) with some workshops taking place at Northeastern University.
¿Qué es Hydra Connect?
Hydra Connect (#HydraConnect en Twitter) es una oportunidad para todos aquellos que participan en el Proyecto Hydra de reunirse y sincronizar nuestros planes de desarrollo y trabajo técnico, asi como establecer enlaces con el resto de la comunidad.
La agenda durante esta reunión incluye temas de interés tanto para instituciones que ya usan Hydra y están familiarizados con la tecnología, como para aquellos que apenas lo están evaluando y desean conocer más acerca del proyecto, la gente que lo usa, y los programadores involucrados en su desarrollo. Hydra patrocina esta conferencia anual con el eslogan "no importa si eres un usuario nuevo o alguien que ya contribuye al Proyecto Hydra, si so solo vas atender una conferencia este año ¡Hydra Connect es la que debes atender!"
Este año la conference se llevará a cabo del lunes 3 de octubre al jueves 6 de octubre del 2016, la mayoría de los eventos serán en la Boston Public Library (700 Boylston St) y algunos talleres serán en la Northeastern University (a unas cuadras de la biblioteca).
La conferencia será en inglés, pero esperamos que nuestro colegas de habla hispana puedan atender y se beneficien tanto con las presentaciones y talleres como con la colaboración en persona con otras instituciones. Si hablas español y necesitas más información para registrarte o reservar un cuarto de hotel puedes contactar a Héctor Correa (hector_correa@brown.edu) y el te podrá dar más información en español.
Monday 3rd October (At Boston Public Library and Northeastern University)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - use the Dartmouth Street entrance to the BPL McKim building for access before 9.00am
Conference workshops and orientation sessions
Hydra Connect 2016: Workshops - where the print is big enough to read!
Hydra Connect 2016: Orientation sessions
Tuesday 4th October (At Boston Public Library)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Registration + Light Breakfast - use the Dartmouth Street entrance to the BPL McKim building for access before 9.00am
Hydra Connect 2016: Presentations, panels and breakouts
9.00 AM - 12.30 PM Opening Plenary Session (with break!) in the Rabb Lecture Hall - a mixture of presentations and lightning talks
"The State of the HydraSphere" - Tom Cramer, Debra Hanken Kurtz (Video Link)
The Mexican experience - Alberto Martinez (Daniel Cosío Villegas Library, El Colegio de México,Mexico City)
Progress report: Hydra in a Box - Hannah Frost, Mike Giarlo (Video Link)
Lightning reports from Hydra's Interest and Working Groups (Part 1 , Part 2)
12.30 PM Group photograph
12.40 PM - 2.00 PM Lunch break
2.00 PM - 5.00 PM Poster Session in McKim Lower Level A & B
Wednesday 5th October (At Boston Public Library)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Registration + Light Breakfast - use the Dartmouth Street entrance to the BPL McKim building for access before 9.00am
Hydra Connect 2016: Presentations, panels and breakouts
Click here for a full listing and a legible program grid!
9.00 AM - 12.40 PM Parallel presentation, panel and lightning talk tracks (with break)
12.40 PM - 2.10 PM Lunch break
2.10 PM - 5.30 PM Parallel panel and breakout tracks
Thursday 6th October (At Boston Public Library)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Registration + Light Breakfast - use the Dartmouth Street entrance to the BPL McKim building for access before 9.00am
9.00 AM - 12.00 PM Unconference sessions ( Notes from unconference sessions)
2.00 PM - 4.10 PM Interest and Working Group face-to-face meetings
Streaming Information
Breakdown of all Video / Audio sessions captured: HC2016 Audio / Video Master List
Code of Conduct
We want Hydra Connect to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our participants. We've got a few strategies to help make this happen:
We've planned lots of great content and provided plenty of room for community engagement - watch as the fantastic schedule develops between now and the end of September!
We encourage everyone to apply the Hydra community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.
We have officially adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy.
If you have any questions or concerns at the event, please feel free to reach out to any of the Organizers' pages for Connect 2016or community helpers . They should should be easy to find and will all have an identifier on their name-badges.