HC2016 Lightning talks Wednesday 5th October
HC2016 Lightning talks Wednesday 5th October
All these lightning talks will take place in the Rabb Lecture Hall
9.00 - 9.30
Title | Presenter | Description |
HydraDAM2 Update | Jon Dunn | Quick update on the current status and future directions of the NEH-supported HydraDAM2 project atIndiana University and WGBH, which is building a Hydra / Fedora 4 - based digital preservation repository system focused on the needs of audiovisual media. |
Researchers and default Sufia 7 in the Wild | Ben Howell | Recent user research on the default Sufia deposit UI. Call for improved context, coordination and participation between accessibility/usability testing and community development. |
Results of a Survey on Rates of Faculty Self-Deposit in Institutional Repositories | Ruth Kitchin Tillman | Presenting the initial results of a survey of 81 institutional repositories–reports in terms of numbers, notable corrolations. |
Live Demo of Libra 2 ETD Repo (Sufia 7) | Ellen Ramsey & Dave Goldstein | A brief look into the depositor experience UI resulting from architecture choices we've made in our now-live Sufia 7 implementation for ETDs at UVA. See our "micro service" approach in action via custom, modular admin and search services. |
9.35 - 10.05
Title | Presenter | Description | A/V |
Introduction to IPFS and IPLD for Libraries & Archives | Matt Zumwalt | An introduction to IPFS, IPLD and how the decentralized web solves long-standing problems for Libraries, Archives and anyone who uses linked data. | Audio |
Fulcrum: A Hydra Publishing Platform | Jeremy Morse | A report of Michigan's early-stage investigation into building a Hydra publihing platform, which will eventually include support for fully-encoded text with an eye towards migrating level-4 TEI texts from DLXS and possibly including EPUB 3. | |
We added Sipity workflow to CurationConcerns | Jeremy Friesen | Sipity, long the envy of the Hydra community, has support for multiple, configurable complex workflows. At it's heart is a state machine, which allows users with certain roles to take actions which trigger notifications, and custom code. I'll demonstrate how we've brought this to CurationConcerns. Link to Notes: https://goo.gl/SjnFrL | Audio (partial) |
Blacklight Heatmaps | Jack Reed | Yes! Another Blacklight mapping plugin! This one is super cool with features like performant solr clustering, indexing multiple types of geometry (bounding boxes and points!) | Audio |
10.10 - 10.40
Title | Presenter | Description | A/V |
Versioning Vagrant in Atlas | James Griffin | Generalizing from discussions within the GIS Data Modeling Working Group, this talk aims to address the potential benefits and risks involved in attempting to integrate Vagrant Boxes (virtual machine images) into software development and service deployment life cycles. | Audio |
Monitoring Hydra | Alicia Cozine | A brief walk through on concerns related to monitoring and alerting a production Hydra stack. | Video (no slides) |
Jisc Research Data Management Shared Service | Chris Awre | An overview of the Jisc Research Data Management Shared Service initiative in the UK, looking to establish a set of infrastructural components that academic institutions can combine to provide an overall RDM solution. Hydra has been shortlisted as one of the repository components that an initial group of pilot institutions can use. Presentation slides | Video |
Cavendish: Fedora, LDP, BlazeGraph | Benjamin Armintor | Cavendish endeavours to be both an implementation of LDP and a laboratory for elaborating Fedora 4 APIs as extensions of the LDP specification. We are also interested in better understanding how the constituent frameworks of a Fedora 4 implementation influence the way its core model is understood- in this case, building a Fedora on a triplestore. Cavendish is built on BlazeGraph. Presentation Slides | Video |
11.00 - 11.30
Title | Presenter | Description | A/V |
Making XML Schema Validation more reliable | David Cliff | When the Library of Congress was recently attacked, we noticed an important part of our workflow ground to a halt - XML schema validation had failed. We've developed a gem that allows for schema mirroring and offline validation/rspec testing, which we hope might be of use to others. | Video |
Ruby and Rails Resources for New and Not So New Hydra Developers | Steven Ng | A lightning fast overview of free or cheap, cool and useful Ruby and Rails web sites, blogs, podcasts, videos, and users groups for new and not-so-new Hydra developers. I'll talk fast, but don't worry, I'll post the links on-line before the talk. | Video |
Handle System integration with Sufia | Chris Bartos | Quick overview of the implementation of Handle System (https://www.handle.net) support into a Curation Concerns / Sufia application. | Video |
Developing a Hydra application with Docker | Corey Hinshaw | Hydra applications can interact with a number of backing services (Fedora, Solr, Redis, job runners, etc). Using Docker to run these services locally can potentially simplify the development environment and reduce on-boarding time. | Video |
11.35 - 12.05
Title | Presenter | Description | A/V |
Performance Profiling Tools used for HydraNorth | Peter Binkley | We encountered big performance hurdles with our Sufia6 based application HydraNorth, and this is a quick overview of tools we used to help us monitoring and profiling the performance of our application, and restoring sanity to our team. | Video |
Fedora OAI Provider | Weiwei Shi | An overview of the work we did to improve performance on the Fedora OAI provider by adding a MapDB index to ModeShape. The modified version of fcrepo4-oaiprovider has brought the response time for a full ListRecords from 4 minutes down to 25 seconds. | Video |
I love you Fedora, but it's over | Steven Anderson | The Boston Public Library has long been a Fedora 3 Commons system and we are heavily invested in that backend. After waiting to see how Fedora 4 Commons develops and with some recent internal debate, our "next gen" repository solution is going in a different direction. This will be a (perhaps) controversial talk as to why and how we came to this conclusion. | Video |
Fedora 4 Import/Export | Esmé Cowles | Update on the recent work to implement standards-based import/export functionality for Fedora 4, working on importing and exporting Bags for migrating between Fedora repositories, and backing up to and restoring from preservation services such as APTrust, Archivematica, etc. | Video |
Title | Presenter | Description | A/V |
Plum at Princeton | Trey Pendragon | An introduction to our workflow ingest tool featuring IIIF manifest generation, structure administration, object re-ordering, and support for multi-volume works. | Video |
Sufia and CurationConcerns Usage (sharing data from annual survey) | Mike Giarlo | For the past few years I've been distributing a survey to gauge usage of Sufia (and, this year, CurationConcerns) and to get a sense of what direction the community wants the components to go in. I'd like to report back to you all on what the latest data says, and share a rough roadmap for 2016-2017. | Video |
IIIF in Hydra | Justin Coyne | The Hydra-in-a-Box team in conjunction with Princeton has added IIIF image and presentation API support to Hydra. Come see how we're going farther together with open APIs. | Video |
Hyacinth: One Year Later | Eric O'Hanlon | Follow-up to last year's presentation about Columbia's Hyacinth editor. Lots of changes / progress since the last presentation. Many TODOs have been TODONE. Hyacinth is a metadata editor, batch Fedora ingest tool and content publishing application that is becoming more and more integrated into our digitization, cataloging and front-end presentation workflows. Built on top of Hydra, but not Blacklight, with a JavaScript-and-AJAX-heavy front-end for many search/editing features. Currently Fedora 3, but hopefully moving toward Fedora 4 early next year. Still under development with additional planned features. I'd love to present and get feedback. | Video |
, multiple selections available,